
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 7 hours ago

given how none of their rant applied to your OP, I’m fairly certain they didn’t read it and were just going off the title. see also how fast they went from a false critique of LLMs (“of course they’re not people”) to an appeal to an imaginary middle ground (“both proponents and critics of LLMs anthropomorphize them/think they’re sci-fi marvels”, a ridiculous claim to apply to your OP or to serious LLM skepticism in general) to smuggling in hype (“…but of course LLMs are revolutionary and we don’t know what they’re capable of”)

in short, don’t bother with this shithead, they’re just marketing OpenAI products to a particularly hostile crowd

[–] [email protected] 13 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

We know what’s happening here. It’s not a mystery. This weird antropomorphization is prevalent on both advocates and critics of the tech. Both seem to be convinced that they’re dealing with a person.

It’s genuinely fascinating and mind blowing that coherent language emerges from it, and there are probably profound things about exactly when and how.

uh huh

seeing as your entire post history is this same flavor of bad faith bullshit, I don’t think we need any more of it here

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago (2 children)

when you’re so proud of finally passing your CompTIA Security+ you mistake a quip about how obvious it is when Martin Shkreli lies for a fucking exam question

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I wouldn’t even call y’all late; public opinion towards AI is just starting to turn from optimism to mockery, so this feels like the perfect opportunity to normalize sneering in a way that’s easier for folks without context to consume than SneerClub or TechTakes.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago (5 children)

How do you deal with ADHD overload? Everyone knows that one: you PILE MORE SHIT ON TOP

how dare you simulate my behavior to this degree of accuracy

but seriously I’m excited as fuck for this! I’ve been hoping you and Amy would take this on forever, and it’s finally happening!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

fuck, now I have a hankering to grab a medium format camera and a fast (for medium format) lens and take some weird black and white closeups of whatever I see that’s lit interestingly

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

800 ISO without bokah at like f/16

on film, handheld, at night. for when you love grainy images and need every part of the frame to be blurry, but specifically not the kind of blur that looks good

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago (3 children)

mods, can we please have a rule so that only people who are shitting can post here. thanks in advance xoxo

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 days ago (7 children)

how are you this unable to shut the fuck up

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

beyond anything technical, the question that’s been burning up my hope is:

why in fuck was this such an easy win for the techfash shitheads operating in the open?

seriously. these fuckers employed the most obvious tactics imaginable to damage the Nix community beyond repair, and it worked. it wasn’t even hard for them to come fuck up the only enjoyable tool I use.

and hardly anybody even managed to tell them no in a way that fucking mattered. the Nix governance changes were an obvious ploy that everybody fucking bought into! and I thought I was being fucking unfair for thinking this’d be the exact outcome!

and somehow, after all this bullshit happening in the open, there’s no viable fork? Aux got right to the edge of it — one of my systems ran auxpkgs without much trouble — then they let a bunch of bad faith assholes steer the project away from that, and now I don’t know what Aux is, but it’s not focused enough for me to contribute to.

the only ones who successfully said no were Lix, so the Nix language will survive! and as you pointed out, as it is right now that’s not great. it’s a lot like elisp — it’s janky as fuck but there’s a couple things it does uniquely well. unfortunately, the folks in control of nixpkgs control the Nix standard library, and they’d prefer the language remains obscure and janky. in short, these fucking jackasses want Nix to become as hard to use as Urbit, because it’s very easy to turn a priesthood of experts with obscure knowledge into a right-wing think tank. I’m sure it works even better if, unlike with Urbit, the underlying technology actually fucking works.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

You don’t have to release anything. Most of my flakes are on private storage in my homelab, including my homelab configuration, and I don’t feel any obligation to contribute anything upstream right now.

that is true! there’s a ton of Nix stuff I’m keeping entirely personal now too. my projects fall into roughly three categories:

  • infrastructure and its offshoots. this is the stuff that really needs to be released, because the administration of this instance should be as public and replicable as possible.
  • projects that use Nix as a build and environment setup tool. these should see the light of day too since they have value outside of Nix, but unfortunately most of them don’t build without Nix, and (because Nix is technically excellent) there’s usually no easy replacement for it. this particularly includes some of my hardware projects: I use Nix to keep modified embedded firmware, cross compilation tools, and userland images in sync, and it fulfills a similar role (from the ground up) for my lambda calculus reducer project, but there it manages HDL dependencies too. as far as I know there’s no tool* that does what Nix does here.
  • projects that pertain to how I use and deploy NixOS systems. these shouldn’t see the light of day. these include personal deployments, usability libraries, embedded system flakes, and flakes that deploy reusable Nix appliances. the biggest part of this is the NixOS sub-distro that I use on my desktops and laptops; it features a doom emacs UI, a ton of fixes to make EXWM work more reliably, and a few other services that make NixOS work generally more like a lisp machine (and which make elisp work more like Nix). a lot of these systems have upstreamable fixes I haven’t bothered with. again, this is an area where it feels like there’s no* real substitute for NixOS.

[*] guix would work fine (and for the sub-distro it’d have an advantage in that everything would speak Lisp), but given the sheer fucking number of GNU shitheads I’ve seen supporting Jon, switching from Nix to Guix feels a lot like moving out of your abusive parents’ house so you can rent out your abusive parents’ guest house

and the fridge in the guest house has a lock on the freezer so you can’t have ice cream, but don’t worry, nobody will notice (for now) if you remove the lock with some bolt cutters

I’m willing to be wrong about guix — I really want a reasonable out from the current Nix ecosystem — but this doesn’t feel like a healthy choice

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

if available, I highly recommend a steroid shot from a clinic or allergist for hay fever. the muscle at the injection site will hard lock for a good 5-10 minutes like a Windows PC rolling back an update, but 10 minutes after that your allergies will go away for the rest of the season like actual fucking magic


it can’t be overstated how important the Nix evaluator is to the Nix ecosystem; it implements the Nix language and package manager, maintains the store, has a hand in the low-level workings of every Nix tool, and is the focus of the push by Eelco and friends to commercialize Nix and keep it appealing to military-industrial interests.

all of the above is why I joined the Aux CLI SIG, which focuses on maintaining a fork of the Nix evaluator for the Aux ecosystem. but just now I saw the announcement for Lix, a Nix evaluator fork that focuses on modernizing the codebase (including gradually replacing C++ with Rust), maintaining correctness (something the upstream evaluator has been notoriously struggling with lately), and doing right by its community. I found myself nodding along to their description of the project and feeling something I haven’t felt since I read the open letter — I’m finally feeling excited for the future of the technology behind Nix.

I have no idea if Lix will become Aux’s chosen evaluator fork, though the Aux CLI SIG can help determine that collectively (and I’ll have many more details on Aux in a post later tonight). here’s what’s truly exciting though: by following Lix’s install steps and pulling auxpkgs-unstable, we can have a package ecosystem and NixOS fork that’s completely independent of the Nix community, and we can have it right now. I’m so excited by that news that I’m going to spin up a host just to give Lix+auxpkgs a try later tonight.

here’s the Aux thread about Lix; so far, there’s a lot of high-level support and excitement for using it as Aux’s evaluator.


this thread fucking sucks for me to have to post, but the linked open letter is an important read. none of the systemic issues pertaining to marginalized folks and commercial/military-industrial interests in the Nix community I’ve previously written about on TechTakes have been solved; in fact, they’ve gotten worse to the point where the Nix community moderation team is essentially in the process of quitting. that’s the beginning to an awful end for a project I like a whole lot.

even if you don’t give a fuck about Nix, the open letter is an important read because the toxicity, conflicts of interest, and underhanded tactics detailed in it are incredibly common in the open source space. this letter could have been written about a multitude of infamously toxic open source projects; Nix is lucky that it has marginalized folks involved who care about the direction of the project and want to make things better, but those people are actively leaving, after being burnt out by the toxic people and structures entrenched in Nix’s community. that’s a fucking tragedy.


who could have seen this coming, other than everyone who told the homebrew tree inverter guy this was a bad idea they absolutely shouldn’t do


reply with features and bug fixes you'd like to see in Philthy, the lemmy fork that runs on this instance. no guarantees I'll get to any of them soon, but particularly low-hanging fruit and well-liked features can be prioritized.


the server cluster runs on an open infrastructure based on NixOS and Nix flakes, and though it desperately needs cleanup in some places, it's still a pretty good example of how to use a Nix flake to deploy NixOS in production. feel free to browse the repo and ask any questions about how it works, or about Nix in general!

also, if I get hit by a bus, this can be used to redeploy elsewhere. an existing admin who isn't in the hospital or the grave can import a database backup and get back up and running!

and as always, contributions are welcome.


the r/SneerClub archive at is welcoming contributors. it's a statically-generated site (from this set of archived posts in JSON format) that uses a unique, high-performance Nix-based static site generation system. the current site desperately needs a new stylesheet (especially on mobile), but one area where I really need advice or contributions is the dataset.

currently, the SneerClub archives only pull in data from the bdfr set, which I generated using Bulk Downloader for Reddit right before Reddit killed its API, but I'd love to merge the SneerClub_comments.jsonl and SneerClub_submissions.jsonl files into the data we're using to generate the site, since those have older data from ArchiveTeam. unfortunately, that data set is in a complete different format from the BDFR data. any advice for tools or techniques to merge those two data sets into one (or offers to contribute a merge script) is greatly appreciated.


the software we use to run, which @[email protected] suggested I call Philthy (and I agreed!), is seeking contributors.

like upstream Lemmy, this consists of a Rust backend and a Typescript+React frontend. contributions to both are welcome; use this thread to discuss ideas and collaborate.

here's some contribution ideas off the top of my head (but all reasonable contributions are welcome):

  • (frontend & backend) actually rebrand to Philthy, to prevent confusion between us and upstream Lemmy
  • (frontend & backend) rewrite to emphasize that this is a fork
  • (frontend) make the page header and footer more configurable; remove various links that aren't relevant to
  • (backend) delete posts from Mastodon when they're deleted on our end
  • (frontend & backend) implement The Firehose, a big admin-only list of the posts and content leaving our instance
  • (frontend & backend, ongoing) merge in changes from upstream Lemmy if there are features you wish our instance had

or make suggestions in this thread!

one major blocker preventing folks from contributing to Lemmy-related development I've seen is that a lot of people don't know Rust. if that's the case, I can offer the following:

  • the Lemmy codebase is the worst possible place to learn Rust, but I'd love to start a thread for Rust tutorials and shared learning. it's honestly an excellent language in its own right, so I'd love to teach folks about it even if they don't end up contributing to Philthy.
  • if you're good with React and/or Typescript and the feature you want to implement has a backend component, I don't mind handling the backend portion if I'm able.

this is a non-toxic place to collaborate on projects (programming, design, art, or otherwise) and share information; effectively, it's the answer to Hacker News. this community has been in the planning phase for a long time, but the xz backdoor recently emphasized how severe the toxicity problem in existing open source communities is, and how important it is that we have a place to collaborate that isn't controlled by toxic personalities or corporate interests.

FreeAssembly is starting its existence as a Lemmy community that enables collaboration on externally-hosted projects, but that doesn't necessarily need to be its final form. as we figure out the needs of this community, we can grow to service needs like code hosting and design collaboration. for now, we recommend hosting code on software forges like Codeberg (and we recommend avoiding github if possible, though it's well-understood that this isn't easy for established projects). we also want to explore the best options for designers and artists to collaborate without making them dependent on large corporate infrastructure.

there are some expectations around posting to FreeAssembly. see the sidebar for details.


(via, archive:

surprise, Amazon’s godawful surveillance grocery stores were just exploiting hidden labor and calling it innovation, and even that was too expensive

even worse, the few times I’ve seen one of these fucking things in the wild, it still had 1-2 employees hovering near the entrance to make sure nobody did the utterly obvious (fuck with the payment system and get free shit), a job that’s also known as a fucking cashier, but with much worse pay, much harder labor (physically stopping shoplifters), and no counter to lean on or opportunity to even sit down


we’re seeing a bit of spam come in from if you happen to see any (and a lot of it seems to be in DMs), make sure to flag it. that’ll let both us and the originating instance’s mods know. if we get a bunch of reports and it seems like isn’t cleaning things up properly, we’ll take further steps to limit the amount of spam we get


Amaranth is a simple-but-expressive hardware description language (the type of language you use to define integrated circuits for FPGAs, ASICs, and similar hardware) implemented as a Python DSL. I'm not the biggest Python fan, but Amaranth is worth it -- even though it's in heavy development and its documentation is incomplete, it's by far the most comprehensible HDL I've ever used, and I've tried many of them.

its documentation is incomplete since the language is under heavy development, but its language guide is still the best gentle introduction to HDL concepts I've read, and its tutorials are written for an older version of the language (sometimes called nMigen) but are still excellent -- in particular, Robert Baruch's tutorials combine design fundamentals with formal verification (which itself is usually considered an advanced technique, but Amaranth streamlines it), and the Vivonomicon RISC-V tutorials are worth a read too


You could get a robot limb for your blown-off limb

Later on the same technology could automate your gig, as awesome as it is

Wait, it gets awful: you could split a atom willy-nilly

If it's energy that can be used for killing, then it will be

It's not about a better knife, it's chemistry and genocide

And medicine for tempering the heck in a projector light

Landmines, Agent Orange, leaded gas, cigarettes

Cameras in your favorite corners, plastic in the wilderness

We can not be trusted with the stuff that we come up with

The machinery could eat us, we just really love our buttons, um

Technology, focus on the other shit

3D-printed body parts, dehydrated onion dip

You can buy a Jet Ski from a cell phone on a jumbo jet

T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y, it's the ultimate

the subject matter of Aesop Rock's latest album felt relevant to our instance's interests

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