this post was submitted on 23 May 2024
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[–] SomeGuy69 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

The internet and technology moved on. We reached a point where google is obsolete. Google decided to cancel any product they had, that was not as successful as their ads space and now they have nothing else left. Is there even one service left that google is leading in? Maybe chromium browser and that's it. Yet one can easily switch to Firefox right now.

[–] CosmoNova 10 points 1 month ago

I guess they are leading in E-Mail? Whatever that is worth I am not sure. And Youtube is pretty much toe to toe with TikTok so they have that going for them which is nice. But yeah they’ve done a pretty bad job at making themselves indispensable. If anything they‘re looking far more dispensable than ever. Still huge, but their future is rather uncertain.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

Their integrated drive+mail+docs+forms+... cloud system is not the first or maybe the best one out there, but it's very popular and I like it more than the competition for some of their key decisions. More obscure things are their accessible API anyone can use, some free computing power they provide for experiments, their analytics system for marketing, and their benchmarks of how fast the page loads being a standard. There's probably Scholar somewhere here but I haven't used it. Android gets installed everywhere even if it's unreasonable. Search is their major brand, but they have fingers in many buckets.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

At this point their biggest product is probably Android. That's a bigger marketshare than Microsoft's and Apple's put together. Yes, they're fucking up now, but the battle is still theirs to lose.