
joined 2 years ago
[–] CosmoNova 23 points 3 hours ago

Dass der ganze Haufen auf dem rechten Auge Blind ist, hat bestimmt auch gar nichts damit zu tun und ist bloßer Zufall!

[–] CosmoNova 6 points 7 hours ago

Man I wish European governments would take more control of our digital town squares that are entirely owned and handled by foreign corporations who seek to erode democracy.

[–] CosmoNova 3 points 7 hours ago

That‘s not how projects or marketing work most of the time, however. Nintendo is known to use project names throughout development. They have a schedule for each and every step and the recent leaks have turned things upside down for sure.

The reveal itself looks incredibly rushed. I suspect they hastily whipped up a quick animation in Blender by using some simple modifiers and clever editing. It has “Make a product animation in Blender” Youtube tutorial written all over it, if that makes sense. I kind of love it, but it’s not very Nintendo-like and neither is the name.

[–] CosmoNova 1 points 7 hours ago

Must be an awkward relationship, though. I don‘t know if I would want that because if I‘m that talented, I wouldn‘t need a job offer from the people that antagonized me.

[–] CosmoNova 3 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Solche feigen Angriffe auf Politiker sind grundsätzlich falsch und haben in einer Demokratie natürlich keinen Platz.

Nur wieso habe ich das Gefühl, dass im Titel nicht SUV-Fahrer stehen würde, wenn der Unbekannte einen SUV fahren würde? Diese art von Framing ist etwas auffällig.

[–] CosmoNova 5 points 7 hours ago

And that’s always the case with industrial revolutions. Workers have to fight tooth and nail to not become suppressed by the means of production we don’t own. This one will be no different.

[–] CosmoNova 9 points 8 hours ago

I think the huge critical acclaim of Astrobot was also a very important lesson for them to learn. People often seem to glance over this recently.

[–] CosmoNova 5 points 22 hours ago (2 children)

I‘m assuming they debated about it until the very last second until they settled with the safest option. The leaks probably accelerated things a lot towards the end and it might’ve been called something different entirely if they had more time to agree on a name.

[–] CosmoNova 5 points 1 day ago

Das stimmt so gar nicht!! Der wollte auch ins Weiße Haus, um vor möglichen Haftstrafen zu fliehen, ja? Es geht ihm nicht nur ums Geld!!

[–] CosmoNova 3 points 1 day ago

Wie schaffen die BaWüs das im nüchternen Zustand? Was ist ihr Geheimnis?

[–] CosmoNova 23 points 1 day ago (9 children)

It may look innocent until the Chatbot nags you about buying that very cool new product they’ve heard so much praise about. This is very dangerous and needs tons of regulations.

[–] CosmoNova 3 points 1 day ago

We can call it west Taiwan if you prefer that.

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