ZX Spectrum

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Celebrating Sir Clive Sinclair's amazing machines and the impact they had in our lives.

founded 2 years ago
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/zxspectrum

For those that have one anyhow

submitted 3 months ago by IndiBrony to c/zxspectrum

Just realised there's a community so I thought I'd show off my day bag!

I used to have the PlayStation one, but it for used so much it was falling apart.


There were times when Sinclair ZX Spectrum games were copied over the radio waves across Slovenia. Radio Študent broadcast screeching, beeping and whining, which we recorded on tape and played a game a few hours later. Those times are long gone, but we can take a walk through the past today. Radio Študent, which is celebrating its 55th anniversary this week, will invite two members of the legendary Software editorial team to the microphone.

ZX Spectrum Next magazine (fusionretrobooks.memberful.com)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/zxspectrum

We have just launched a new subscription site for our magazine, partnering with Memberful.

Our brand new Spectrum Next magazine has just launched on the platform. Subscribe now to get access to the PDF of Issue #1 - the magazine will go to print next week.


news article: http://www.symbos.org/bloginfo.htm?251

cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/8bit/t/801159

This video shows SymbOS NXT in action, the new port for the ZX Spectrum Next. As you can see, this is one of the most powerful SymbOS platforms to date and i...


cross-posted from: https://feddit.uk/post/7218821

Lemmings on the ZX Spectrum Next. I took this not long after I got mine in 2020.

ZX Spectrum Raytracer (gabrielgambetta.com)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/zxspectrum

A port of the "Computer Graphics from Scratch" raytracer to ZX Spectrum BASIC.

Slow but works!


cross-posted from: https://feddit.uk/post/6332432

Including Your Sinclair's Moley Christmas!

Cursed Castle by Fransouls (fransouls.itch.io)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/zxspectrum

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ninja/post/49543

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ninja/post/49419

If you’re an American you’ll appreciate the first two paragraphs. It will provide a context that just makes you say… “but HOW?” Our friends from Great Britain will likely shrug and skip to the third…

The ZX Spectrum is an 8-bit personal home computer released in the UK in 1982 by Sinclair Research. Renowned for its affordability and wide-ranging software library, the ZX Spectrum became one of the leading computers in the 1980s European home computer market. Its graphical and computational capabilities, though rudimentary by today's standards, enabled the creation of a diverse selection of games, many of which have since become cult classics. Its iconic rubber keyboard, compact design, and the distinctive sound of its audio output have endeared the Spectrum to a generation of users.

One of the ZX Spectrum's distinguishing features was its versatility and the creativity it fostered in game design. Despite the machine's technical constraints, developers found innovative ways to design a broad array of games, from adventure and puzzle titles to racing and shooting games. As a result, the Spectrum's game library encompassed many genres, including some that were relatively rare at the time, such as first-person shooters.

The game The Dark by Oleg Origin stands out as an exceptional example of this creativity. Released in 1997 and now re-released in a remastered format, The Dark deviates from the typical ZX Spectrum platformer mold. The game is a unique first-person shooter, drawing parallels to the seminal PC game, Quake. In The Dark, players assume the role of warrior Alexander, embarking on a personal mission to liberate his homeland from an insidious force that has breached the land's borders. Throughout this exciting adventure, players encounter various beasts that must be eliminated with precision, be it through a well-aimed stab or a timely bullet. The game's distinctive features and the engaging quest at its heart cement The Dark as a unique entry in the ZX Spectrum's impressive game catalogue.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/2342633

Everyone knows about Final Fight, right? This 1989 Capcom beat 'em up feels almost genre defining, even though it was not the first beat 'em up of its type. Nevertheless, it cast a long shadow over games that came after it, especially those released by Capcom.

And with good reason. Final Fight is awesome, even today. It's a simple enough concept - gang kidnaps ex-Street Fighter and new Mayor Mike Haggar's daughter, so Mike and his pals Cody and Guy undertake a mission to save her. Said mission involves beating up fools, swinging various weapons, taking part in a wrestling match at one point, and eating lots of food out of trashcans. You can play as either of the three pals, and even bring a pal of your own along as a second player.

The arcade version of Final Fight

It's a lot of fun, and well worth a look today. It hurls hordes of bad guys at you that you slice through with kicks and punches and special moves. Nothing quite beats the feeling of your guy disappearing under a pile of ruffians, only to emerge with a cyclone kick to send the bastards flying.

But it was also a technical powerhouse, with massive sprites, detailed backgrounds and a ton of stuff on screen at once. So how the hell would this behemoth fit into a humble ZX Spectrum? Grab a trash-chicken and let's find out...

The Spectrum version of Final Fight

Let's deal with the Amstrad and Spectrum versions together, since they share a lot of the same DNA, not to mention failings.

Okay, there's no two ways about this. 1991 was way late in the life of the 8-bit home micros. They were about two generations behind the curve at this point, and time had not been kind. So any hope of getting a decent port of Final Fight onto these two was wishful thinking at best. Yet, somehow, someone thought it might be a good idea...

There are two ways you can look at these versions.

First, you can judge them on merit. And, honestly, they come up wanting. They're both terrible games, by any measure. To their credit, both attempt to copy the arcade to the best of their abilities, including all three playable characters, all stages, most moves, a representative sample of the animation frames... but it's this ambition that cripples both ports. Because the result is a slow, jerky, indistinct mess (especially on the monochrome Spectrum) that is really difficult to play. Moves take forever to animate, collision detection is terrible, every single-enemy fight is more like a boss fight in the length of time it takes to play out. There are glitches aplenty and both versions share a quirk that sees your character getting frozen to the spot after every punch or kick, standing there like Mitch McConnell while the enemies pile on. On top of that, weapons are useless, Cody and Guy are useless, and the game generally feels like a kind of torture.

The Amstrad version of Final Fight

But there's another way of looking at them... because there is clearly some achievement there. They are both recognisably Final Fight. The sprites, the locations, the enemies, all reasonable representations of Final Fight. They play like Final Fight, albeit Final Fight shot through a prism of shit. They attempt big boy feats they have no business doing, like the animated train on level two, or the wrestling arena. They both have the fancy animated intro... these are clearly not mindless cash grabs. There was talent here, talent that pushed these two machines beyond what anyone would have thought possible in 1982. It just feels like wasted effort.

Worth a look for novelty value alone.

The C64 version of Final Fight

I've kept the C64 version apart from the other two because it is a very different beast, and a very different kind of bad. As is often the case, the C64 went its own way and knocked out a port that feels inspired by Final Fight at best. The levels are similar only, the sprites are smaller, the whole feel of the game is different.

It has a weird kind of floaty feel to it. There's this strange quirk where landing a kick will only have an effect a short time later. So you'll kick a dude, you'll get a sound effect, then about half a second after that, the dude will fly backwards. It's almost surreal.

The thing is, this port almost feels like it could have been a decent game. Just rounding off the sharp edges would have helped a lot, and it could have been a fun two player beat 'em up in the Renegade style. It's just not Final Fight.

The Amiga version of Final Fight

Surely things are better on the 16-bit micros, right?

Well, yes and no. The Amiga port is clearly superior to the 8-bits. It has some great intro music, the graphics are colourful, the sprites massive and reasonably well-animated. It just has that undeniable Amiga-arcade-port quality of something feeling off. It doesn't feel fluid or hectic like the arcade. There are fewer enemies at once, the control is hampered by a one-button joystick and feel sluggish, and the difficulty feels off, with stunlocks happening far too often.

But it's not the worst Amiga arcade port out there, and would probably serve you well if you were looking for bit of quick mayhem.

The Atari ST version of Final Fight

The same can't be said of the Atari ST port, sadly. This version looks similar to the Amiga, but with fewer colours. It has some terrible character-block scrolling that wouldn't look out of place on the Amstrad. And the sound is about Spectrum quality. Not the ST's finest hour.

The SNES version of Final Fight

Over on the console, and things look a little better, as you might expect.

Starting with the SNES version, which is definitely the runt of the litter. It's not terrible, it plays pretty well, it just feels cut down. That's because it is... only two characters available (sob, poor Guy). No two player mode. Some weird early-90s censorship that saw various female enemies replaced by cookie-cutter male hoodlums. A whole missing level. Some missing level transitions. And a generally drab looking appearance.

Not awful, but not great by any means.

It should be noted that Japan got a version called "Final Fight Guy" which returned Guy to the game... at the expense of Cody. So close.

The Mega CD version of Final Fight

Let's end on two high notes.

The Mega CD version of Final Fight is superb! From the animated, voiced intro, to the faithful reproduction of the gameplay, to the extras that this version includes, everything feels complete. It plays well, it sounds amazing, it is the first port so far that actually captures the essence of the arcade incredibly well. It has lots of enemies on screen at once (not quite as many of the coin-op, but better than the SNES).

If I was compelled to level but one criticism, it would be that the colour palette feels a little off, which is probably a limitation of the Megadrive itself. It just leaves things looking a bit... gritty.

But that shouldn't deter you! This port is awesome and well worth a play!

The GBA version of Final Fight

But for all that the Mega CD version is great, it's not my favourite...

That accolade goes to, surprisingly, the Gameboy Advance!

The GBA got a port titled "Final Fight One", which is basically a port of the arcade, so it counts. Unlike the SNES, all characters are present, as is a two player mode via link cable. All stages are here, and the game generally looks a lot more vibrant. Due to the nature of the GBA screen, it does feel a little "zoomed in", but you get used to it.

Where this port succeeds the most is in how it plays. It is fluid as hell, fast and easy to control. You get the same frantic feeling as the arcade, with lots of enemies flying all over the screen. The music really adds to this feel, with some cool renditions of the arcades tunes.

Overall, a really complete package and well worth playing today!

So what are your memories of Final Fight? Did you suffer through the Spectrum version or were you lucky enough to get the Mega CD port?


cross-posted from: https://rabbitea.rs/post/243561

I've moved this over to Lemmy so I can get a bot to periodically post old issues and pages.

It's a quite niche community for discussion of the ZX Spectrum magazine Your Sinclair. It's also useful place for people to tag when mentioning YS, which is what my old YS Twitter account used to be used for.

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