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Me (14y male from Poland) got my english teacher annoyed/disappointed after saying the word "crap". I'm unsure if this is the right place to ask this question but is saying that word considered bad? I always thought it was pretty mild and not a big deal.

Thats Enough Warm Now. (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

Its so hot that when I was outside smoking a ciggie, enough sweat dripped off my nose onto the smoke that when I took it out my mouth, the filter + paper stayed put resulting in a broken ciggie.

Too far late Summer, you've gone too far.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Gradually_Adjusting to c/ukcasual

American in Bedford. Life story aside, how does one make friends? I wasn't even good at it back home, and now they've made me a parent governor. If that's my only social outlet, I'm terrified I'll become some kind of weirdo normal person.

Are there any esoteric cultists, dangerous outlaws, or menaces to society about that I can buy a drink for?


The meat is just too big.


It's the correct flavour. Change my mind....


What's jiving peeps?


I have a meeting this morning that is pretty much doomed from the outset, but I still need to go through the motions.

After that, I acquired an unexpected gazebo yesterday, so I would like to get that up this evening to make the most of the next couple couple of weeks, since we are seemingly due for sunny weather.

And then I have a day booked off on Friday just because. Maybe I will spend it in the gazebo, reading.


“Except that’s not the case. For the first time, British audiences get to see entire episodes of Takeshi’s Castle as it was designed to be seen by Japanese viewers. Not sneered at by Chris Tarrant, or packaged with a culturally insensitive “oriental riff” influenced theme tune. No, these are new episodes, in full, with graphics, in-studio analysis and actual rules. We even get to know the contestants, which is refreshing after decades of seeing them as, essentially, a procession of screaming crash test dummies.”


“But you know what might have been even better? Giving us the show just as it is. The success of Netflix’s Old Enough last year should be proof that global audiences are now sophisticated enough to enjoy non-scripted Japanese shows without having their hands held via the medium of jokey commentary. As fun as Romesh and Tom are, perhaps a better idea would have been a straight, subtitled version of Takeshi’s Castle. Clearly, our relationship to the show is still evolving. Maybe in another 30 years we’ll get what we actually want from it.”

Unfortunately, seems to be on Prime Video only.


I'm out to a play and a meal this evening and hope to get out for a hike tomorrow but I'm working as usual on Monday.

submitted 10 months ago by Quickswitch79 to c/ukcasual
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

Here's the situation - on bin day, I put out my bins with the draghandle facing outwards, because in my mind that means all the bin man has to do is grab the handle. My neighbour however, contends that it is more appropriate to have the bin lid facing outwards as some bin men like to check what's in the bin before they drag it to the truck. I've never seen a bin man do this. To me, their way means extra work for the bin man but my neighbour says its my way that causes extra work.

In the grand scheme of things I doubt the bin men give a fuck which way round the bins are but I'm interested in what you all think. Handle facing out or lid facing out?


I keep getting adverts for it with people like Simon Cowell, Olly Murs, Take That etc advertising it.

First of all, why would they do it when they've already got millions in the bank?

Secondly, it's exactly the same as Candy Crush and all the other identical games, so why is it so popular?

And finally, wtf is up with Simon Cowell's eyes?!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

What’s everyone up to today then? Not long til kick off!


Call Jonathan Pie is a BBC Sounds show that I've been enjoying over the last month or so. If you're familiar with Pie on Youtube then you'll know what to expect; and if not, then it's a fictional radio phone with, well Jonathan Pie.

Shoutout to Reasons to be Cheerful for always making me feel a little more positive about the state of the world.

Parky, RIP (
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

Famous throughout the UK for his chatshow, my favourite memory of him however, is Ghostwatch - a 'found footage' style horror mockumentary which predated movies like The Blair Witch Project, REC and Paranormal Activity. Him being cast in it was a stroke of genius. It ended up being very controversial as it was played absolutely straight by him and the rest of the cast.

If you've never seen it, it's on the Internet Archive for free.

WASDnesday (self.ukcasual)
submitted 10 months ago by B0NK3RS to c/ukcasual

Ah shit, here we go again...

Go on, tell us what you've been playing this past week!

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

Tuesday, Tuesday. Up here in Scotland (specifically Edinburgh) it's the last day of the school holidays. To any other parents north of the border - we've done it, folks. The end is in sight. Looking forward to tomorrow's hectic early morning followed by a day of bliss.

Anyway, TV and Tunes Tuesday! Whatcha watching and listening to? Recommendations for movies, TV shows and music please!

Personally I have the last episode of Strange New Worlds, which I'm saving for tomorrow lunchtime and then it's sayonara Paramount +. We've also just finished the reboot of Quantum Leap, which was cheesy but fun.

Music wise. Well, I'm a gen-xer so I've been listening to the remasters of the Lush albums. Long live shoegaze, the only correct style of dancing.


Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of marmite. But I'm not an animal. I have it on toast, or a bagel, or maybe a toastie if I'm feeling reckless.

But my son wants marmite sandwiches. Sandwiches! How is it possible to spread marmite on bread without the bread disintegrating? Is there a technique that in my five decades on this earth I have not been able to master?


Slowly catching up.


I went out for a curry with some friends last night, have a fairly straightforward day at work today then a pizza this evening and have a day booked off on Monday: I have some DIY lined up over the weekend.

Should be a good showing of the Perseid meteor shower this weekend too. It peaks tomorrow, but it looks like it'll be cloudy. I might spend a bit of time in the garden this evening though, since it is supposed to be clear, and see if I can spot any.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/ukcasual

My complaint is that we have a tiny window of gorgeous weather today and I’m inside really busy at work!

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