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A community for Lemmy users interested in privacy


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founded 1 year ago
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/privacy

Hello all,

Just wondering if there are any projects involving lemmy and .onion

I searched and didn't see anything but I figured I'd ask

If not is there a reason this isn't possible? Or has nobody cared to do it yet?

When I have to visit r****t I use a libreddit hidden service, and there are quite a few to choose from. Am I correct to think a similar mirror should be about as easy to implement for Lemmy?

an onion only instance where it never touches the clearnet would be really cool too but it would probably be a ghost town (sadly).

Love to hear your thoughts



With 23 and Me getting into selling information for added revenue, the privacy of DNA testing providers makes me not want to use the service. Can anyone recommend a privacy focused DNA testing company that has a good track record?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by waitmarks to c/privacy

Disclaimer; I'm not looking for a VPN service, I already have one. I know TechRadar is not a great source too. I am simply doing research around VPNs in general.

I am just wondering why DDG is suggesting this link over a link without a reference? Is this "the blame" of DDG or Techradar? Trying to understand why this is the link being served over others. Appriciate any suggestions.


Hi, I wanna know what is the most secure and best messaging app/platform... Need an app that is crossplatform and has a very good numbers of features and security. (And it has to be FLOSS) I thought about XMPP clients, Signal, Session, IRC clients.. Propose and explain me your choice


i vary my IP randomly to try to be tracked less on the internet by ad companies.

when using duckduckgo, i notice my results of certain searches seem slightly correlated to the IP I use if there's anything that could be impacted by location.

this is also not just country specific, where duckduckgo is narrowing this down based on country

i am not sure if duckduckgo is passing on the IP or if somehow bing has partnered with data centers or ISPs to try to guess the IPs going into duckduckgo.

I also may be sensing this correlation and it's just random and not there. i could be wrong.

Does anyone else ever notice this or wonder about this?


GrapheneOS provides users with the ability to set a duress PIN/Password that will irreversibly wipe the device (along with any installed eSIMs) once entered anywhere where the device credentials are requested (on the lockscreen, along with any such prompt in the OS).

The wipe does not require a reboot and cannot be interrupted. It can be set up at Settings > Security > Duress Password in the owner profile. Both a duress PIN and password will need to be set to account for different profiles that may have different unlock methods.

Note that if the duress PIN/Password is the same as the actual unlock method, the actual unlock method always takes precedence, and therefore no wipe will occur.



cross-posted from:

Hi all,

Quiblr now has personalized post feeds for Lemmy!

I haven't seen a "recommended feed" feature anywhere else in the fediverse but I thought I would take a crack at building it!

My goal was to make a privacy-focused recommendation engine that tailors your experience based on the content you interact with. None of the data leaves your device. You don't even need to log in for it to work

  • You can turn it off or tune your feed in the settings
  • Each post now also includes a show me more/less button

I would LOVE feedback from folks if you get a chance to try it out!

This was really fun to build so let me know if there are any questions!

PS: Let me know if someone else has built this feature for the fediverse - then I will change the title to not claim "the first" lol

Music Discovery? (self.privacy)
submitted 3 weeks ago by pissman to c/privacy

Hi everyone!

I was wondering, what do you guys use for online music discovery that is at a Spotify-level quality?

I've been having tough luck finding new music for the genre I like and thought I'd ask around here!

I checked out InnerTune, but it seems like it doesn't proxy my requests and sends them right back to Google. Also, a Linux supported client would be preferable .

Thanks in advance!


Nothing profound here, just need to vent: I haven't used Facebook for several years now, but I just got my 10 year old son a Meta Quest 2 and had to activate it by linking to my Facebook account. Just two days later I got a warning that the account will be locked because they detected that a child was using the Quest with an adult account (maybe because of the types of games he was playing?). My options are to either make him his own, restricted account (requires a credit card for verification) or prove that I am in-fact an adult (requires photo ID). No fucking way is Facebook getting either my credit card or photo ID. This is some sorry attempt to extort even more personal info from people. I can't understand how so many people tolerate this. How is this company still in business, let alone worth half a trillion dollars? If I had known how bad things have gotten, I would never have bought their VR.

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