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c/photography is a community centered on the practice of amateur and professional photography. You can come here to discuss the gear, the technique and the culture related to the art of photography. You can also share your work, appreciate the others' and constructively critique each others work.

Please, be sure to read the rules before posting.


  1. Be nice to each other

This Lemmy Community is open to civil, friendly discussion about our common interest, photography. Excessively rude, mean, unfriendly, or hostile conduct is not permitted.

  1. Keep content on topic

All discussion threads must be photography related such as latest gear or art news, gear acquisition advices, photography related questions, etc...

  1. No politics or religion

This Lemmy Community is about photography and discussion around photography, not religion or politics.

  1. No classified ads or job offers

All is in the title. This is a casual discussion community.

  1. No spam or self-promotion

One post, one photo in the limit of 3 pictures in a 24 hours timespan. Do not flood the community with your pictures. Be patient, select your best work, and enjoy.

  1. If you want contructive critiques, use [Critique Wanted] in your title.

  2. Flair NSFW posts (nudity, gore, ...)

  3. Do not share your portfolio (instagram, flickr, or else...)

The aim of this community is to invite everyone to discuss around your photography. If you drop everything with one link, this become pointless. Portfolio posts will be deleted. You can however share your portfolio link in the comment section if another member wants to see more of your work.

founded 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure this is Choke Cherry (Northern Ontario), but if it's something else, please let me know!


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Sometimes all you find are common birds and you can't always get close to them to get a good framing. This is my experiment on minimalism.

Moss & Bloom (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm growing more and more impressed with its capabilities the more I use it! Wrapping my head around its approach to masking, and its "scene referred pipeline" took some time, but now that I'm getting the hang of it, I think I can say I genuinely prefer it to Lightroom.

Combined with digiKam, which is excellent for photo collection management, I'm a very happy photographer :)


He's apparently been a nuisance in the nearby gardens. Pictured here plotting his next move I do believe.


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Seen today in Boulder, CO, USA.

More pictures on pixelfed!

Falcon (
submitted 9 months ago by ShadowCatEXE to c/[email protected]

Unfortunately there was a shadow from the branch in front, so I did my best to adjust that in post. I had just showed up and wasn't really ready with the camera. Was able to snap a couple shots before he/she took off.

Lichen (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

What do you think about the tri-photo format? I think it looks cool, but not sure what others think.


New camera, nube photographer.

In my R50 the autofocus area can be selected and moved around, but can it be locked to the center? I currently have it set to the point focus, so the smallest focus area, but I find that the box that shows where the camera is focusing moves around (no faces involved or vehicles) Usually the focus square jumps up and to the right, and sometime moves around while I am trying to compose the shot. Is there a way to lock it down so it will stay in the center?

Update: I tried several things and lost track of some of them. It seems my focus point is staying put now - it is just off-center but close enough to make me happy.


First up yes I'm a camo nerd. Metal Gear Solid 3 awakened something in me! Anyway every now and then I take different camo patterns into the woods and take photos as a reference to help people choose what works best for them. This one, Pencott Wildwood looks way too brown in most photos. Check it out!

But with the selfie cam it looks a lot closer to how it does in person

Maybe it's just the phone software that's only used in the main camera? I've messed with some of the settings with no luck. Here's a closer view of the pattern to show you what it's like up close

Any theories?


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As seen from Colorado, USA close to midnight (May 11th, 2024).

submitted 9 months ago by buffy to c/[email protected]
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by SKEPP to c/[email protected]
Sea (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Cliff (
submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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