
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

There's some sort of ongoing issues with our hosting provider. We're trying to get to the bottom of it

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Rather than just banning trans folk who don't align with their politics, or targeting their political ideas, Hexbear actively enables dogpiling and harassing of individual trans folk

That's not the behaviour of "the most trans positive instance", especially given that Hexbears political ideology is fringe at best, making the majority of trans people valid targets for its harassment.

Don't get me wrong. Hexbear is incredibly supportive of its trans folk. It's why I tried to make federation with them work for so long. But it's only supportive of its own trans folk. If you don't align with their political stance, you get harassment, not support.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 days ago (4 children)

'Dunking' on them is a pittance in comparison

This statement is at odds with the claim that they're the most trans inclusive instance around.

Hexbear is incredibly protective of trans folk that share its views, but it green lights active harassment of trans folk not in that group.

An instance that is ok with harassment of some trans folk isn't as protective as you're claiming.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Transphobe has been banned

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

They stop stinging after a while. I mean, you might never feel great about them, but for me at least, the urge to burn them in a fire went away after a few years. Now, I don't bring them up for no reason, but if it's relevant, I'm happy to bring out an old photo of me pre transition

Which is to say, keep them. You can't unthrow them away later. But you can simply never look at them again, even if you keep them

[–] [email protected] 32 points 4 days ago (6 children)

People here will be salty about me saying it but I think they’re the most trans positive instance. I say this as someone that looks at everything trans related from on purpose so I can check in on everyone

Hexbear is very inclusive to trans people that align with its ideology, but it actively allows harassment and "dunking" of anyone, including trans people, who don't align with its ideology. In my opinion, it's hard to be the most inclusive trans instance when you are only inclusive of some trans people, and are willing to harass the rest.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 days ago

I've edited the post.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (19 children)

I'm sorry you feel that way. I'd like to take the chance to explain a little bit.

I've had multiple requests to ban LibertyHub from people who see strong left opinions as being trolls or inauthentic. I've refused every time, because I'm not going to remove queer folk from a queer space for genuinely held beliefs over politics that directly impact them.

The same goes for non voters. There are left wing folk who think that voting for a president that encourages genocide is the best option in the limited options available, and they think that pushing back against this president will lead to more harm than encouraging people to support him, and so, they have strong reactions to people who disagree.

Yes, the non voters community was a direct response to liberty hub, because of these two political positions. But it too, is a community run by queer folk, with genuinely held beliefs, and the space is allowed to exist only as long as it does not target specific lemmy users or communities. They can push back against political ideals they disagree with, not against the users or communities professing those ideals. Hexbear has a similar community that doesn't have this limitation, and explicitly dunks on people, not just political ideals, and that was something I wanted to avoid here.

My options are

  1. Ban politics. This is unrealistic, and unhelpful, given how much politics is impacting our community at the moment

  2. Enforce a particular political perspective. If I were to choose to moderate in line with my own political perspectives (which are closer to libertyhub than 196 or non voters), it would split the community even further, and fragment queer and gender diverse community on lemmy in to spaces that don't prioritise their needs. I won't have that. We're dealing with enough shit already.

  3. Allow both groups to exist, and deal with the tension that comes from it. This is the only option that keeps the community in one piece, and able to talk about topics that are directly impacting our lives at the moment. It's also the option that creates the greatest amount of tension from day to day, but unfortunately, I don't have a solution for that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Can you link me to the post on please?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 6 days ago (4 children)

That thread was removed by a community mod and I can't find any examples of deliberate misgendering in remaining posts.

I will action deliberate misgendering, but in this case, the posts have already been removed.

[–] [email protected] 32 points 1 week ago (1 children)

And yet, my brain still slaps me with that sweet sweet imposter syndrome like "how can you be trans if what you want is making you uncomfortable" and so on.

You have spent literally your entire life, drowned in anti trans messaging. And somehow, here you are, telling the world who you are anyway. That's not the experience of an imposter. That's the experience of a trans person trying to deal with a lifetime of negative indoctrination. Even when we recognise it for what it is, it still impacts us, because that's how indoctrination works.

It's going to take time to work through all of this, and undo some of that damage. Give yourself permission to work through it. It might be two steps forward, one step back, but you'll get there :)

So. How long did it take you? Did it just click for you or was it just as uncomfortable as it is for me?

One day, you'll realise that you haven't thought about it for days. Thats when you'll know it's clicked :)


The2024 fediverse canvas has started, and it's busier than last year! We need your help placing pixels and making Shonky come to life!

@[email protected] has created a template for us to use!

Get those pixels happening!


Image description: A silhouette of a vulture, wings spread wide, circling on a thermal. The silhouette of the bird is strongly contrasted against the misty white of the waterfall behind it

#bird #dailybird #avesArgentinas #Iguazu #iguazufalls #vulture


If you're not aware, the fediverse canvas is a collaborative canvas, where fediverse users can login with a fediverse account, and place a single pixel every few minutes. The project will run for a few days, and at the end, the we will have a giant collaborative canvas!

This was the 2023 lemmy effort!

For 2024, the entire fediverse can join, not just lemmy!

The canvas site can be found here It's not open yet, but we can create and test templates, ready for go live!

You can find more details about the 2024 fediverse canvas project here

I'm keen to see our new mascot Shonky get some visibility! For those of you who are graphically inclined, we can pre-emptively create a template, so when the event kicks off, we can hit the ground running! Shonky's image files can be found here If someone creates a template, please share the link!


Image description: A close cropped shot of a masked lapwing standing on a grass lawn.


I've been using flickr on and off for 20 years now, so my flickr time stream gives me a nice snapshot of how my photography has changed and improved over the years.

In theory, I've got all of my old photos available, but on flickr, the ones I posted are the ones I considered my best at the time. So my flickr timestream gives me an perspective on my photography that the 10's of thousands of photos in my home collection does not.

It's been really interesting going back through my old photos and seeing the change first hand...


Image description: A kookaburra sitting on a branch in a tree above the photographer. A blurred apartment building is visible in the distance behind the foliage of the tree


Thanks to the lovely Heatherhorns ( we have a new icon! We'll be updating the instance icon soon!

So, with the new fediverse canvas project just around the corner, it's time for our new shonk to represent!


#bird #birds #AustralianBirds #duck #DailyBird

Image description: A close up of a paddling Pacific Black Duck


I run a raspberry pi that identifies birds by their song, and records time, date, and species etc in an SQLite3 database.

The rpi app comes with some basic reports, but I'm wanting to expand on them, so that I can show monthly/yearly trends etc.

On windows at work, I'd use something like Power BI, but a) it's windows and b) it's overkill for my current needs.

I've only recently moved entirely to linux, so I'm not really sure of what the linux alternatives are, and I'm looking for suggestions :)


Image description: A photo of a partially demolished Toombul shopping centre. Cinnabon and Bakers Delight signs are both visible. The area they are in used to be entirely inside the centre, but is now exposed to the elements due to the intervening walls being torn down. Construction machinery is visible in the foreground


Image description: A long legged black and white shore bird is wading through shallow wetlands water, lit by the golden light of the setting sun

#bird #birds #australianBirds #dailyBird #kedronbrook #meanjin #brisbane


Image description: A small grey bird with a black strip across its eye, sits on the branches of a dead tree, against the backdrop of a bright blue cloudless sky

#bird #birds #dailybird #australianbirds #brisbane #meanjin

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