
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago

Yep, brown is a challenging colour, but this guy makes it work!


#bird #birds #AustralianBirds #duck #DailyBird

Image description: A close up of a paddling Pacific Black Duck

[–] [email protected] 5 points 12 hours ago

Traditionally, I haven't been that type of birder...

But I've been tagging and organising all of my photos, and I'm tagging them by their genus and species, so I've become that type of birder :)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

Yep, I'm officially a lost cause... I recognised the bird by its genus and species before I saw the picture...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Here's another photo from the same day that one was taken, but showing a different angle. To give some context, to the right of the image, and not in frame, is where the McDonalds and cinema used to be. The three story section behind the yellow construction machinery is near the Bakers Delight and Cinnabon

Image description: A long shot of Toombul shopping centre, showing the eastern side nearest to Kedron Brook. It looks like a war zone, with walls torn down and building interior exposed along the whole length of the centre.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago


[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Personally, I prefer an apartment that I have to clean myself, because it means I don't have to worry about random strangers coming in to my apartment all the time.

Hotels just don't work for me. They're completely disconnected from the location and people around them, and full of people just as unfamiliar with the surrounds as I am.

When I was in Puerto Iguazu in Argentina, if we'd have been in a hotel, we'd have been in a sculpted, serviced space completely disconnected from the town around it. Instead, we stayed in a tiny little apartment in the back streets of the town. We got to actually see and experience the place, in a way that would have been impossible with a hotel.

Even if changes like this become universal (and I hope they do) I'll likely to continue to use Airbnb over hotels when I can.


I run a raspberry pi that identifies birds by their song, and records time, date, and species etc in an SQLite3 database.

The rpi app comes with some basic reports, but I'm wanting to expand on them, so that I can show monthly/yearly trends etc.

On windows at work, I'd use something like Power BI, but a) it's windows and b) it's overkill for my current needs.

I've only recently moved entirely to linux, so I'm not really sure of what the linux alternatives are, and I'm looking for suggestions :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

As long as they raise it above flood level! :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

It's still not decided.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I started at 41, and I turn 50 next year. You've got this :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Uso Dreaming Spanish! Cada video es todo en espanol sin ingles. "Comprehensible Input"


Image description: A photo of a partially demolished Toombul shopping centre. Cinnabon and Bakers Delight signs are both visible. The area they are in used to be entirely inside the centre, but is now exposed to the elements due to the intervening walls being torn down. Construction machinery is visible in the foreground


Image description: A long legged black and white shore bird is wading through shallow wetlands water, lit by the golden light of the setting sun

#bird #birds #australianBirds #dailyBird #kedronbrook #meanjin #brisbane


Image description: A small grey bird with a black strip across its eye, sits on the branches of a dead tree, against the backdrop of a bright blue cloudless sky

#bird #birds #dailybird #australianbirds #brisbane #meanjin

unixsocks needs new mods (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Most of the current mods are inactive, so if you're interested in helping run this community, please drop me a line on matrix, via DM or here!

I'm looking for someone that has an established history both on the threadiverse, and within this community. Ideally, you'll already have a account, but if you do not, you will need to create an alt here


Image description: A rather stern looking bird on a tree branch looking down at the photographer.

#dailyBird #AvesArgentinas #bird #birds #argentina


Image description: A green and red finch sits amongst brambles. A second finch is visible in the photo, but slightly blurred behind an intervening branch

#australianBirds #bird #birds #dailyBird #meanjin #brisbane


Last year, blahaj zone did really well! Lets see if we can do it again!


Image description: A female fairy wren sitting on greenery in the morning sunlight

#bird #birds #australianBirds #Brisbane #Meanjin #dailyBird


cross-posted from: (

The expression on that second birds face is meme worthy!

Image description: Two little black cormorants sitting on rocks in a creek, surrounded by water with reflecting dappled greenery from the vegetation on the banks of the creek. The closest cormorant has its beak wide open, and the smaller cormorant in the background has a surprised look on its face

#birds #bird #AustralianBirds #DailyBird #brisbane #meanjin


The expression on that second birds face is meme worthy!

Image description: Two little black cormorants sitting on rocks in a creek, surrounded by water with reflecting dappled greenery from the vegetation on the banks of the creek. The closest cormorant has its beak wide open, and the smaller cormorant in the background has a surprised look on its face

#birds #bird #AustralianBirds #DailyBird #brisbane #meanjin

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