It's Beans

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Let's talk about beans. Pinto beans. String beans. Coffee beans. Chocolate beans.

Beans everywhere, beans all the time.

founded 2 years ago
Read Beans and Rice (
submitted 1 year ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

I love red beans and rice. Try to use real red beans rather than kidney beans if you can. As for the meat ingredients in this recipe, feel free to vary the ratio of meats and use more or less to taste.

Do you have a favorite RB&R recipe?


If you're not using chickpeas, it's not really hummus. However if you're willing to overlook that, other beans can be used similarly. One example is white beans.


Dude was gifted a pocketful of 800+ year old beans by a ranger at Mesa Verde National Park. He took them home and managed to grow them, eventually turning the crop into part of his business.

submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

I would rather cook my dried beans from scratch. But this article has some arguments for when canned beans are superior.

Green Beans in a Slow Cooker (
submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

The recipe look pretty good. Maybe it might be worth a try once the daily temps get somewhere below 100F.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by beregoth to c/itsbeans

Bush's beans has a factory and visitor's center in Tennessee. You can't get into the factory, but you're welcome at the visitor's center. It's all in a small city in the country and probably a relaxing outing.

submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

Try making your baked beans "Mexican style." Try using peppers, cumin, chili powder, paprika, and garlic powder in various combinations.

VIP Beans (
submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

I guess all (most?) beans are good for you, but this post specifically calls out a few as being more healthy. The link has much more info and some recipes as well.

  • Soybeans
  • Lentils
  • Black
  • Navy
  • Adzuki

I've never had or heard of Adzuki. I'm probably missing out.


A big reason for rinsing your canned beans is to remove a lot of the salt content. But there are a few good reasons for not rinsing such as maintaining vitamin and mineral content and using the bean juice as a thickener for other dishes

submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

No, not for every meal or exclusively. Just having some beans every day. Here were some of the benefits I found in the article.

  • Keeps you from getting hungry between meals
  • Considerably increases your protein intake
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Help with digestion
  • Saves $$$ on the grocery bill
Canned Pineapple and Baked Beans (
submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

I'm not a fan of adding pineapple to all of the things (including pizza) but adding it to baked beans has be curious.

submitted 2 years ago by bhmnscmm to c/itsbeans

The most popular beans:

  1. Pinto beans
  2. Navy beans
  3. Great Northern beans
  4. Red kidney beans
  5. Black beans
Beans & Wiener on a Bun (
submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

We're used to "beans & wieners" where you mix sliced frankfurter with baked beans. This variation brings it into hot dog territory.

Next time instead of a chili dog, try having your hot dog on your hot dog bun but topped with baked beans instead.

Canned Green Beans. Again. (
submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

An alternative to the beef bouillon post from earlier, seems you can add chicken bouillon to those canned green beans instead. Now I'm curious about a side-by-side taste test.


Personally, when I serve up canned string beans I add in some Worcestershire sauce and powdered garlic before warming them up.

This post recommends simmering beef bouillon with the canned string beans for at least one hour, and if you have time, let it simmer until almost all the broth is evaporated. You can still add your garlic powder or other ingredients, but the secret is in the beef bouillon.

submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans

The kind where you use a salty corn chip to scoop up and eat pinto bean based goodness.

I've probably never made the same dip twice, either randomly choosing from a web search or creating some variation of a written recipe. Here's an example.

Beans Help Make Babies (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by beregoth to c/itsbeans

Specifically, the extract of velvet beans has been shown to increase and enhance sperm production.

Beans for Longevity (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by beregoth to c/itsbeans

In some small unique communities around the globe people are living long healthy lives past 100 years. The suspected secret?

It's Beans! They're loaded with nutrients, including copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, lysine, which is an essential amino acid, and lots of protein and fiber.


... because it's really a bean! And a darn good one.

Before you turn your nose up, try it again.

This time use your favorite search engine to surface some BBQ black eyed peas recipes and give one of those a try. Even better if you use a quality dried bean or shuck your own when they're in season.


Except when you get your hands on some Anasazi beans. Or when you're making hummus. Or in the morning when you have some coffee beans.

submitted 2 years ago by beregoth to c/itsbeans
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