Fan Theories

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founded 2 years ago

But Gemma is dead.

I think the car accident left Gemma either braindead or with serious brain damage. She's not really "severed" like the main characters, or possibly when not she goes back into a coma. But the Gemma who was married to Mark is gone for good. This season will be about finding that out.

Then season 3 (just began filming) will have Ms Casey becoming her own person while Mark and Hella ride off into the sunset.


So it'll be a while till next season, but the creators have always said 5 seasons to tell the story, and there's gotta be another big twist in the next two seasons.

But I think what we'll find out is Jade and Tabitha's original selves weren't just parents of one of the kids, they're the ones who made the deal with MiY.

I think it's not even that they failed to save their child, I think they went through with it, and got what they wanted.

They get reincarnated over and over again. They live forever and don't spend the whole time stuck in town like the others as monsters.

It's possible they were originally like the rest, and somehow found a way to escape and be normal. That would explain why their reincarnations keep getting pulled back. And why/how someone as powerful as MiY was locked up by a song the two used to sing to the children.

So it's more that those two staged a coup against MiY and were able to escape from his realm than these two have always been trying to free the children. Maybe that happened as soon as the deal was fulfilled, maybe after they'd been monsters for decades before getting out.

Maybe the only reason they get to leave, is they're ignorant of their role in things. If they remember too much, they lose their humanity again and become monsters like the rest.

So the overarching story is about them going from villian to hero and their redemption by freeing the children for selfish reasons after forgetting they were the ones that caused.

Like how in Good Place you had to be ignorant of the points system or the points don't count. They have to not know they're responsible to have pure motivations to free the children.

It's just we're only getting the very end of the story. Which I think is what's being set up by Julie being a "story walker". She'll be able to eventually show us what happened at the very beginning, way back when the deal was made.

And that means when the creators said "if you figure out the beginning, you'll know the whole story" they weren't talking about the begining of the show or what we've seen. But the literal begining of the town when the deal was made.

There's two seasons left, knowing the monsters are the kids parents isn't "the whole story" or there wouldn't be two more seasons.


Credit: u/Minute_Study_5178

It was mentioned when we first get introduced to her character that she was Stalin's favorite because she could "see things before they happen".

She might also have mind reading abilities as she tried to read Indy's mind and seems confident it would work.

That being said, she doesn't seem to have any other abilities typical of a force sensitive so her powers would be very mild compared to a jedi or sith.

We see that the crystal skulls are powerful and when Spalko interacts with the aliens too powerful for her to handle. The skulls would be a very powerful version of a kyber crystal which agumented Spalko's powers beyond what she could physically handle hence her screaming "no more" just before she dies.