Is there anything out by Colonia? I moved all my stuff there like a year ago and haven't really played since.
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No for now colonization can only be done from bubble systems and systems that where created by CMDRs. You have 16ly range
Started my outpost yesterday and already got it to 81%. That's really not too hard for ED standards. As far a I got it we won't have time pressure after the first one .
We have to wait until the weekly tick to have it fully operational or am I wrong?
I think its 24 hours, but im not sure
Pretty much the same, although I haven't built my colony yet because I work weekends. Seen some FCs selling CMMs for up to 500k each, which seems a little excessive.
I always see that as outrageous price gouging on cmms, id rather help other with colonizing. I've been thinking abouy starting an organization dedicated to assisting with colonization, somethin like the Fuel Rats.
Oh I agree, that was intentional understatement.