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Personally I'd like hear some of your experiences with different types of organizational software, no matter if it runs on a PC, phone or the cloud:

  • What are you using and in what ways does it help you with the troubles you are facing with your ADHD?

  • Do you use different tools for different use cases (e.g. one to organize and track bigger projects, one just for reminders or one as a knowledge base etc.)?

  • Is there any software you would specifically avoid and how so (e.g. cause it is distracting, pricey or you due to lack of data privacy)?

  • Or is there things you'd really recommend to try out, because it helped you immensely in a way?

To start it off: Personally I got diagnosed as an adult rather recently. I somehow have haphazardly kept my life together without meds and ADHD-Therapy/Counseling/Coaching so far, but got no idea how. I made use of all sorts of organization methods and tools without it ever occurring to me that I could have ADHD.

Looking back it became painfully clear, I never consciously took my brain being different into account at any point. Therefore I failed very often and very spectacularly with my organization. I still do, especially at work.

Personally I use synched calendars (Thunderbird & Fairmail synched over Nextcloud) on my phone and PC at the moment. I also found I use ToDoList-Apps a lot (currently TickTick) to put at least some structure to my chaos. I am really awful with reminders though: I have too many and not enough at the same time. There is no structure to the types of reminders I have and I geht them from too many different sources. And sometimes they are too distracting or worse yet, sometimes not noticeable enough (Looking at you there, Outlook).

What have your experiences been like?

What's your job? (self.adhd)
submitted 2 months ago by TehBamski to c/adhd

I'm asking out of curiosity mostly.

Is anyone here into digital marketing? That's what I'm studying for right now.

  1. Do you have 1 or more calendars, what are they called?

  2. Do you differentiate between events and tasks/todos?

  3. Does it make sense to have a seperate Holidays calendar?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

I either have an exciting plan,
or when that fails, no plan (I resign).
Since the exciting plans usually fail, I end up living on autopilot.

I really struggle making things in life move. There's too many simultaneous Big Tasks* whose logistics I need to keep track of that I can’t hold them all in my head at once (I can only focus on one Big Task at once). Especially when most tasks are timelines where you need to wait for responses, compose emails, search for things (there might be none – what then?) etc. and where you need to think about the order of the tasks in the timeline so that you save time. Not to forget remembering to notice if people haven’t replied to your e-mail and having to either remind them or come up with a Plan B (this usually leaves you stumped because you now can't get the thing you started the whole journey for). There's so many steps to keep track of and you can't even write them down because the amount of steps keeps changing.

*Finding the next place to rent, booking a dentist for my hurting tooth, planning journeys (what is the Plan B if the journey is too expensive?)

The cluelessness and dread of having to come up with a Plan B is why I hate searching for things. Having to come up with a Plan B is so disorienting. And it's the opposite of stimulating: you've put in a ton of effort and gotten nowhere. How do you all deal with it?


so this evening I needed to remember to fix the couch cushions, and change my cats' water, so I start saying "couch, cat water" out loud because I'm pretty high and when I walk through doorways I can literally forget that I'm in the middle of a conversation on the phone.

anyway, so I'm walking around talking about couch cat water couch cat water couch cat water couch cat water couch cat water catch water catch water catch water

I arrive at the sink. what the fuck sort of task is "catch water"?

Anyone else feel this way? (
submitted 3 months ago by invalidname to c/adhd
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

Hallo Leute! Ich habe meine ADHS diagnose bekommen, und darf mich jetzt wirklich als ADHSler bezeichnen.

Ich hätte Lust auf eine Austauschgruppe zu etlichen Dingen wie Medikamenten, Erfahrungen, Apps, Strategien etc.

Um etwas Datenschutz zu garantieren, würde ich sagen alle interessierten schreiben mir eine private Nachricht, mit einem lustigen Spruch und ihrem Wunsch für die Gruppe.

(Bot-Abwehr ist nervig...)


Between the ages of 8 and 12, MRI scans of children with ADHD show significantly lower cerebral blood flow in regions of the brain known to be related to attention, motor skills, executive function and impulsivity.

(Conclusively demonstrating that it's not just "in someone's head")


I don't know where to begin and exactly what I expect from this thread, and I also don't know where to post it, if on ADHD or Psychotherapy or Depression. English isn't my mother tongue thus my writing will sound a bit awkward. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago (I'm 53), ADHD and I was prescribed with medikinet 20 mg. I really relied on that drug to get my life on track and start having the quiet control of having grip and control on things, rather than feel always overwhelmed, sad, frustrated and depressed for a life that always goes in the direction of worse, and never for the better (I've developed a lot of resentment about my shortcoming and my inability to achieve a plan, any plan on my own I've always have to lean on someone else, feeling very humiliated about lack of autonomy, independence and adulthood). I don't know if I was born with ADHD, or some traits that verged toward this deficit or if this has been exacerbated by childhood, I have a very severe and cruel father, very cold, very rational very martial man and a mother that was using us, especially my the youngest brother as a surrogate husband. My father used to beat me and he was very demeaning and humiliating, I've developed a sense of shame (a toxic shame) and stress (I soon began to live in constant fear of being humiliated and basically of being profoundly defective and wrong). I was awkward and not very bright and in front of numbers, or procedure I felt dumb, very dumb and my father was merciless, I was getting angry and I was crying. Thus I never had a resource, a way out, something, an activity, a dimension that could make me feel good and where I functioned and did not feel wrong. It was horrible, I was scared of everything, even if I was a big boy. I've always seen as an alpha male (I swear) and I was acting as one, but I always feel profoundly wrong, scared. I began to hate myself, to swallow the constant tone of disappointment or rage of my mother and father. I still, when I am unable (it is as the brain stuck, as if it could not work, move, like a dog who watches the human with a lost gaze). I've cultivated a lot of rage and frustration, everyone else was able to create something, to do something, everything I did turned into a disaster, it was horrible, I was full of shame. Needless to say, I began to develop avoidance strategies, because in front of every confrontation I did not know what to say, what to do, and, again, my brain entered freeze mode. I wasn't an attractive guy until later in life, 18. I've developed a very arrogant attitude, people saw me as a very self-confident guy, but I inside I was feeling a nobody, a person with a very very low self-esteem. Very early I've discovered sex, eleven years old, masturbation and irresistible friskiness that later I've observed toward people who had developed and addiction (toward gambling, alcohol and drugs), feeling alive, frisky and bold. When I was in the bedroom I was very confident, very passionate and was the only thing I could understand how it worked, it was easy and it was also easy seduce women. Thus pornography in the very early adolescence and petting with a male friend from 12 to 16, 17. I was overwhelmingly frisky and it would have been good everything to empty and vent my own instincts. This trait that stuck, even today less often I still feel so frisky that I'd everything (within the law, obviously) to satisfy it. I grew up with a massive confusion in my head, incapability to catalogue and categorise things so I always lost my train of thought and struggled to follow an argument, often appearing as a not bright person. Obviously I internalised my father's idea of me, that I was not very quick-witted, that I was, in short, a disappointing person with no noteworthy qualities, and still today I have an ambivalent feeling toward my intelligence: I feel alive, so to speak, vivacious and at the same time stupid. I believe that I am stupid and I have tons of evidence almost every day and at the same time I am aware, with pain, that it can't be like that I feel a spark of smartness. I cannot stick to a plan, take decision, after a while when I am doing research and gathering information on something I feel blown away from confusion, indecisiveness (this feeling got worse during the years). Given these premises I am very unsuccessful at work, I work hard for meager results, I am constantly hammering my mind repeating me that I am a looser, a dumb person and I can show plenty of evidence about this. I have always perceived myself as a problem a problematic person that fucks up relationship, unreliable, that wears an extrovert mask but I'm scared to death that the truth about myself will come out. I teach to students I am too much, really too much, sensitive to criticism, I feel very fragile and every conflict in class makes me deeply insecure, like a child, and I don't sleep at night, I can't help brooding and when after a few conflicts I return to class I am not at all lucid, calm, I feel, always on the verge of falling into a chasm of shame and for others to see my true self. In and out I've been to therapy 30 years without any considerable effects and still I take sertraline (I used to take paroxetine for 2 years, it worked wonders, but when I quit it began hell, withdrawal syndrome, one of the most awful experience of my life) that turns me off and makes me not want to exercise or basically plan or dream or have a few coins of confidence. My wife, whom I cheat on, is a miracle, patient, very very smart, very practical and the one that has a crystal clear gaze toward things, the few thing we've accomplished were impossible if her would have not been around. Now, I feel old, I hate my job, that is paid very very low and I am scared, seen the results, of facing everything (medikinet 20 mg, was a disappointment): people, a plan. (Often, when someone is explaining me something I feel lost and I feel shame, embarrassment and hopelessness, I feel sentenced to life hostage to myself, my forgetfulness, my inability to plan anything and my stupidity).

I've done ( I know, more than a thousand words) a synthesis of me, there would be much much more else to say. I don't think someone reached the end, if yes: Hello! Thanks! What would you do if you were me, I am really tired of living a life of such poor quality. Is there any other community where I could post this? Any advice? Any support, anything that could help me because I am exhausted.
Addendum: (hopefully someone could mirror in questi esempi pratici). The few times I had the impression something I was doing worked the anxiety was so fierce that I had to quit (as if I suffered of premature ejaculation of enthusiasm and determination). Where I work my ass off on something (a lecture), when I am in class everything falls apart, all it takes is a little negative feedback (even the slightest sign of disinterest) from the class that I immediately change direction and run away and start improvising, or I feel the impossibility, when I have the classroom in front of me, to proceed from A to Z (as a simile this would be fitting: as if I suddenly felt I was in the middle of a lake and despaired of being able to reach the other spona and therefore had to get to safety as soon as possible). After sessions like these the frustration and the sadness is inordinate. When I was young, with women was very easy to seduce the (three weeks, a night a evening), but I would have never allowed them to see the real me, because the real me was a mess, a very unintelligente mess, unable to provide to is own life. Thus, the power I had in the first encounters would have vanished very briefly and and it would come out that I was a blowhard.
I've tried mindfulness with no effective results (yes, Yuval Harari meditates 2 hours a day and I think it would improve my life if I'd meditate 2 hours a day, but I am unable to even conceive that amount of time, even if it could save my life); I've considered transcendental meditation because od David Lynch that I highly esteem, but it is too guruish; EMDR never worked, at least on me, so far. I know it is very hard to empathize with me, but I hope someone will try


I have been wanting to build a desktop for a while now, but I held back because I plan to move overseas in near future, and build it there, which I know is the right thing to do.

But I have spent ~24 hours in last 3 days researching specs and right build for me. I "need" to know :p. If I act on it, I'll have to sell the new monitor, tower case, power supply (the bulky items) just after few months of use, once I move overseas, only taking remaining parts with me.

This sudden hyperfixation is crazy. Have slept just 3 hours today (when my body just gave up and shut down). Just thought I'll share.


I gave myself plantar fasciitis I did it so much. not that I stopped, of course, I just got some arch supports and kept pacing

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

Dr. Amen seemingly is a very popular "ADHD influencer". Many of his claims surrounding ADHD, however, are scientifically dubious. His main claim to fame is his work with SPECT imaging as a tool for diagnosing mental disorders [11]. Specifically relevant to this community is his advocacy for its purported use in diagnosing ADHD [12]; however, there is virtually no research to support this practice [1]. The only research that does exist (as far as I've been able to find, anyways) is a paper that he co-authored [2]. The paper does appear to show that SPECT can be used to measure observable differences between ADHD brains and the control brains [2.1], but one paper is far from an established body of supportive science for a medical practice that he touts and charges money for [5][10][13]. In addition to this, he also diagnoses what he calls the "7 types of ADD" [6]. This is not standard diagnostic practice in the DSM-5 [7]. He also operates an online store at where he sells many supplements that he has publicly claimed help with ADHD management [3.1], and he advocates for their use in his practice [4] — this is a conflict of interest; however, the supplements that he advocates for (that I have looked into) do have some research behind them [8][9], but they appear to not be well established treatments. I would also be wary of his research as he has openly stated that he doesn't respect the main body of psychiatric researchers, and that he doesn't wish to listen to their criticism [3.2].

I don't intend for this post to be interpreted as a trashing of Dr. Amen's reputation, nor do I fault him for trying to earn a living. There is simply a large potential for shady behavior given the context as a whole, and I believe that it is wise to be very cautious of his advice. I do hope that his research turns out to be beneficial, and not exploitative — I think that there is great benefit to be had from more accurate diagnostic methods, and improved classifications.


  1. "The Puzzle of Neuroimaging and Psychiatric Diagnosis: Technology and Nosology in an Evolving Discipline". Martha J. Farah, Seth J. Gillihan. AJOB Neurosci. 2012-10-01.
    • The lack of empirical validation has led to widespread condemnation of diagnostic SPECT as premature and unproven.

  2. "SPECT Functional Neuroimaging Distinguishes Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder From Healthy Controls in Big Data Imaging Cohorts". Daniel G. Amen, Theodore A. Henderson, Andrew Newberg. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021-11-24.
    1. See Table 3.
  3. ""Healing ADD - See And Heal The 7 Types!" with Dr. Daniel Amen". AmenClinics. YouTube. 2014-07-11.
    1. T23:20
    2. T11:26
  4. "Is Dr. Amen a scammer or legit?". KeyasWorld. YouTube. 2022-03-01.
    • T15:32
  5. "Daniel Amen is the most popular psychiatrist in America. To most researchers and scientists, that’s a very bad thing.". Neely Tucker. The Washington Post. 2012-09-09T08:57-04:00. [Internet Archive link].
    • A full initial session, including two scans, costs about $3,500.

  6. "Getting to know the 7 Types of ADD". Amen Clinics. [Internet Archive link].
    • At Amen Clinics, one of the first—and biggest— lessons we learned from our brain imaging work is that attention deficit disorder (ADD) is not a single or simple disorder. In fact, there are 7 Types of ADD and each has a unique set of symptoms that requires a customized treatment plan.

  7. "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders". 5ed. American Psychiatric Association. 2013. [Internet Archive link].
    • 314.01 (F90.2) Combined presentation: If both Criterion A1 (inattention) and Crite- rion A2 (hyperactivity-impulsivity) are met for the past 6 months.

      314.00 (F90.0) Predominantly inattentive presentation: If Criterion A1 (inattention) is met but Criterion A2 (hyperactivity-impulsivity) is not met for the past 6 months.

      314.01 (F90.1) Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive presentation: If Criterion A2 (hy- peractivity-impulsivity) is met and Criterion A1 (inattention) is not met for the past 6 months.

  8. "The Role of Iron and Zinc in the Treatment of ADHD among Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials ". Roser Granero, Alfred Pardo-Garrido, Ivonne Lorena Carpio-Toro, Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel, Pedro Carlos Martínez-Suárez, Geovanny Genaro Reivan-Ortiz. Nutrients. Elsevier. 2021-11-13.
  9. "Magnesium status and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A meta-analysis". Mohammad Effatpanah, Mahdi Rezaei, Hosein Effatpanah, Zeynab Effatpanah, Hamed Kord Varkaneh, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi, Somaye Fatahi, Giulia Rinaldi, Rezvan Hashemi. 2019-02-25.
  10. "Could High-Tech Brain Scans Help Diagnose ADHD?". Carl Sherman. ADDitude. 2023-11-17. [Internet Archive link].
    • Several scans may be required, at a cost that can top $1,000.

  11. "SPECT Research Overview". Amen Clinics. [Internet Archive link].
    • Research has repeatedly recognized the value of brain SPECT—the imaging technology we use with our patients at Amen Clinics—for assessing many different areas of brain function, especially the blood flow patterns in issues such as traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, ADHD, depression, OCD, dementia, substance abuse, autism, seizures, and strokes.

  12. "Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD/ADHD)". Amen Clinics. [Internet Archive link].
    • [...] we use brain SPECT imaging to determine which of the 7 types of ADD/ADHD a patient has so our doctors can target treatment specific to their needs.

  13. @[email protected]. "Beware: Dr. Daniel Amen may be a grifter". Lemmy. Published: 2024-08-10T03:04:41Z. Accessed: 2024-09-09T03:04Z.


Basically, title


I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and just realized how weird it is, after trying to explain it out loud to a friend who’s also neurodivergent.

I’m curious to know if it’s a common experience with other neurodivergent individuals.

My mind has three different depths:

  • a very conscious one, capable of conjuring images and sounds from the void, capable of manipulating at will said images, morph them, move them… I can think « words » and have them be real in my mind
  • a conscious but closed one: I can put words in it but without acting on them, only watching them. This one is the weirdest of all. There is a difference for me when I think about « dog » and just « look at the idea of a dog ». There are some things I don’t want to consciously think about (like things that makes me sad or depressed) so instead of thinking about them I’ll put them in this zone. They exist but it’s very different from having the words out loud in my mind, as if I was thinking inside my own mind. It’s like I’m in a museum watching thoughts behind plexiglass
  • the dark zone, where I put things I don’t want to think about at all, things I want to forget. It’s literally a foggy dark place made of some kind of fluid darkness with no thoughts shining in it, I have to consciously want and try to pull things from it

A while ago, I read somewhere that the mere thing of being able to conjure images was « rare », like only 25% of people on earth can do it. Somehow I linked this idea to people being neurodivergent but I have no proof or source and I may just have made things up in my sleep or under the shower.

TL;DR: how does your mind works? Mine is weird


Random urge to share some hacks that I've come up with that have worked for me and might be helpful to others, and encourage hearing some more!

The most generic ones: Reduce decision making, focus on "if this then that" systems, and provide clear visual indicators.


  • Flip pill bottle upside down when taking meds to remember you took them.
  • Smoothies are a super easy food that can be really nutritious and might bypass stim meds appetite loss.
  • Scales for cooking means only needing one tool for measurements and not needing to clean lots of spoons; use non-American recipes or write down conversions once the first time you make something.
  • Before bed if you're racing thoughts, write things down in a notebook and put it somewhere you have to pick it up (e.g., on coffee maker).
  • Take notes using a non-linear tool like Obsidian canvas to better represent your non-linear train of thought.
  • Freeze all of your food and prep more than you need when chopping to freeze it.
  • Learn to cook meats from frozen, e.g., in the instant pot, to avoid thawing or meat going bad.
  • Keep colourful stickers or sticky notes around so you can place them on things to remind you to look at it and deal with it later when you have time and energy instead of forgetting it when you look away.

Can't remember if you've taken your meds? Visual indicator systems to the rescue! I flip my pill bottle upside down once I've taken it, and keep it visible near my bed or by my coffee table/desk. If it's past 3pm, if I see it, I flip it right side up every time so that I don't leave it upside down overnight and get confused in the morning.

Not eating breakfast? Smoothies. Keeping the Sims metres full is important. I always run into decision fatigue in the morning/afternoon and by then I'm too faded to decide to eat, or Vyvanse has me too not hungry to consume food, or I'll spend forever making food to ignore my work. Bonus: Get a scale for cooking so you dont need to find and clean dozens of spoons and convert your recipes to masses (North Americans).

So smoothies. I ignore work for a day to do a wild research binge, figure out the nutritional value of some different smoothie mixes, experiment, and now I've got a go-to breakfast every morning that doesn't hit my nausea and gets me nutrients. You can also measure out 3-4 at a time and freeze them in small containers, excluding wet ingredients.

BTW my go-to right now is appx. 150g milk, 50-70g sugar free yogurt, 60g frozen blueberries, 70g banana, 25g rolled oats, 25-50g spinach, 7g chia seeds, maybe 30g strawberry if I'm feeling it, maybe a dash of cinnamon if I want. Seems decent in terms of nutrients, and all stuff I've got frozen or on hand anyways.

Bonus: A microwaved sweet potato is better than it deserves to be for 5 minutes of microwaving and pretty nutritious and sating.

Planning tomorrow at bed time? Before bed, I've got tons of thoughts about what I need to do the next day. I write them in my notebook, then put my notebook on my coffee maker (a Clever brewer for easy cleanup, decaf beans) so that I have to pick up the notebook anyways. Not every day, but if anything pressing comes up.

Note taking is tough linearly? My thoughts aren't linear, neither are my notes. Ever since I started using Obsidian for note taking, I find myself using the Canvas option which basically makes your notes into a graph/flowchart. Then I can colour code, link notes to other notes, turn each bubble into an entire page of notes, tag the notes. It even has an option to show you a random note on startup which can be helpful if you take notes and never read them.

Food going bad? Prepping is too much transition to cook? Freeze everything. Prep more than you need. If I'm already cutting half an onion for a meal, cutting a full onion isn't hard - in fact stopping halfway might be harder. Cut one or two, toss it into a sheet, stick it in the freezer, and now you're saved chopping for a bit. Bananas on their way out? Cut them into pieces and freeze them, frozen bananas are a freaking snack. Cutting bell peppers? Freeze that shit. Fresh spinach? I skipped the parboil and just froze it in a freezer bag and it worked great for smoothies and adding into curries. Freeze it all.

Meats going bad? Instant Pot was a saviour. Cooking chicken and sausage from frozen in the instant pot works great for all kinds of things. Slap a premade curry paste onto a frozen chicken, throw in some frozen spinach and frozen peas, meal ready in about 30 minutes. I use naan for everything because it freezes and reheats well; mini-pizzas with frozen pepperoni that's portioned out, naan as a sausage bun, garlic naan with pasta, whatever, it's versatile and freezes well.

Can't do this right now and then you forget? Having the short-term memory of a fly sucks. Have sticky notes or stickers around the house. Then when you notice you need to clean the toilet or refill something or whatever it is and you can't do it right now, just stick something colorful on it so that you look at it at a better time. I don't even bother writing things down on the note, it just needs to draw my attention at a time I can deal with it.

Just a few, might add more if some come to mind, but hoping to hear some other's thoughts :)


My psych wants to take me off Strattera because it isn't helping my ADHD and apparently it's quite expensive.
One thing it is helping me with though is my anxiety – I no longer get the random bouts of anxiety that I used to and I feel like I'm just generally more chill and enjoying the present moment.
What's more, I can actively feel the Strattera keeping me calm at times when my brain would have panicked before, like when approaching girls.
Do you know if other anti-anxiety meds my psych is likely to give me will have this same effect, or should I urge him to keep me on Strattera?

Reasonable task (
submitted 4 months ago by MrPoopyButthole to c/adhd
Imaaagination (
submitted 4 months ago by nifty to c/adhd

First off I am in England in the UK, so that's the medical system I would probably be using.

I've had significant issues with executive function throughout my life, but especially in the last two years of my integrated masters degree. This includes organization, as well as staying focused. I've had issues with losing things, multitasking, procrastinating, racing thoughts, and other issues in the other areas of life as well. I am thinking of going back to do a PhD or starting my first full time job, and am worried that I will really struggle this time.

I got a diagnosis of Asperger's before you could officially have a dual diagnosis under the DSM. So even though some of initial paperwork said I had significant evidence of ADHD, I couldn't actually be diagnosed with both so I guess Asperger's took precedence. This all happened when I was like 4 or 5 years old.

I am thinking medications or maybe therapy might be helpful, but I don't know if I need the second diagnosis to get those. From what I understand the NHS (UK public health system) has long wait times, and going private might be expensive. Additionally going to a psychologist, and talking about stuff with my family seems scary.

Additionally I have issues with sleeping and waking that probably won't help get all of this organized, and I probably need to get this addressed too. I understand that both ASD and ADHD can cause sleep issues, so maybe getting treatment for those would help.

Sorry for the long post. I hope this is also the right community for this as I wasn't sure where to post this.

Edit: I also have hyperfixation/hyperfocus/special interests out the waazoo, but I didn't know if this was relevant as that's also a part of having autism.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/adhd

My main problems:

  • Inability to stick to lowly stimulating tasks
  • Executive dysfunction
  • Forgetting what I was doing every 2 minutes
    Bonus mention: random bouts of anxiety
    (Don't know which subtype this amounts to)

Meds I've tried so far:

  1. Atomoxetine (extinguished the anxiety but did nothing for the ADHD)
  2. Methylphenidate (amplified the ED, essentially gluing me to even boring tasks. This helped for reading but not for my executively intensive physics homework, where I literally had to use my inner voice to guide myself. Did nothing for the forgetfulness.)

Has anyone had a similar response? What ended up working? I'm in the UK so there's no Aderall.


when i was a child, i had a tendency to extremely hyper fixate on various topics for months, so now that i'm older it just feels like i've experienced everything even though I technically haven't. the fixations are becoming much more quick in terms of cycles / how long they (don't) last and i spend most of my time feeling bored and empty, just rotting away and feeling entertained by nothing. lately this has caused me to get really stuck in the past, so i spend a lot of time just laying in bed crate digging my own memories and feeling kind of depressed because i have nothing new to be excited by or interested in. it does not help that i don't really have any long term goals or ambitions either, i just kind of exist.

does anyone else feel like this?

Everytime (
submitted 4 months ago by Viking_Hippie to c/adhd

cross-posted from:


You may not know, (
submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/adhd

But don't mix steroids and ritalin, that was an interesting 22 hours.

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