It is both, until you observe it, only then does the wave function collapse
Trump has actually been pictured at his desk, forgetting to hide his stimulant medications
And you have your kids in the car
He's trying to make each new board seam like an escalation
I miss spelled it it's tu not to
Pronounced too-kwoh-kwe
It's a word I can only remember having read, but I checked YouTube, and that's what the thumbnail said (didn't see the video, my kids are sleeping)
Or maybe the guys in the company doing the gpo's need to update their certification so they learn this shit....
Just guessing, I'm a Linux guy in a Linux company. Maybe the way I worded the comment was disingenuous, but when Microsoft is so unethical I am using the "to quoque" logical fallacy to justify it
Just saying, with that orange turd, every accusation is a confession
Definetly no cheating...
I think the rich get overtime pay
The dreads were magic, and you helped him free him self, and now he works a white collar job
You know what he said multiple times on his demented rants. Tivo is the best invention since, well I don't remember the full quote
Yes we are the poor. If you need a job to survive you are the working class. The middle class is a concept to avoid people eating the rich. This also counts if your salary is a million, if you need to continue to work to make your life work, you are the working class.