I agree when it comes to average usage, but having >=1Gbps headroom for bursty traffic, e.g., when moving files locally between devices, is awesome.
Smartphones are already insanely energy efficient. But instead of tuning them for longer battery life, companies kept pushing for faster processing, higher resolutions and refresh rates in the last few years. Now there's diminishing returns (imo 4k on a 6" device is just absurd) so I expect future devices to double down on energy efficiency. But then maybe companies just end up decreasing the battery's capacity for lower weight...
Aren't notification LEDs somewhat obsolete now that we have always on displays? One advantage could be that they are less power hungry than keeping the screen / touch panel alive all the time. But in theory one could just create a permanent "notification LED" with an always on display, then it's the same thing from a user's perspective.
Oh boy I had one of those
We are one.. nemeses!
guitar solo intensifies
Wow, nice! I mean it's not a game changer but a nice little gimmick that I appreciated when playing spider man on PC. Just a bummer that haptic feedback only works when using a wired connection (at this point).
Wir alle sind ich_iel
Bei vergleichsweise einfachem Eigenanbau klingt das logisch, danke!
Kann jemand erklären, wie die Grenzwerte für den Besitz begründet werden bzw. was der Sinn dahinter ist? Es gibt ja auch kein Gesetz, das besagt, dass du maximal 1.5 Liter Schnaps im Haus haben darfst. Dafür ist das Schnapsbrennen verboten. Was erreicht man im Vergleich dazu mit einem legalen Anbau von Cannabis aber gleichzeitiger Restriktion von Besitz? Was ist hier anders?
Was wohl zuerst definiert wird.. AGI oder 6G?
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Not blue enough