In your defense, this literally happened with the Wolfenstein game remake.
Am I the only one that thinks this looks like a family gathering with Mike Johnson smiling proudly over the family 'kids table'?
Like, exact same vibes as a bunch of random kids all shuffled away to a single kid's table, and then the one adult (and boy is that stretching the definition) watching over them, and all of them trying to smile for the picture some random auntie none of them have met before is taking.
That's the happiest I've ever seen Trump while next to a black person that wasnt being hurt.
We weren't allowed to.
This is the real reason they want to make it legal for kids to work again.
Unfortunately one of the stated plans is for trump to completely and utterly eliminate the department of education entirely.
As someone with first hand experience growing up in the country, you could not be more wrong.
I know you guys probably already know this, but just to make it clear- just because the building was built in the 60s doesn't mean they couldn't have gotten a microwave and added a sign later :p
These deaths ARE happening for a reason, and that reason is the Republican party and the billionaires funding it.
My man, the amount the landlord is charging rent is entirely arbitrary outside of being 'as high as they can get away with'. Don't make excuses for a landlord swindling you out of your money by making that amount seem more palatable by shuffling bits of it behind "fees."
Almost $1700 a month in base rent, the landlord can pay the damn fee for their own convenience in not having to cash a check.
Dude, he was 35 when the Dreamcast came out in North America. Hardly a "fellow kids" situation.
So you don't know, but all the data scientists and dentists, who DO know and are subject matter experts, who say it's a good idea are to be ignored, because of your sheer ignorance?