I think so, it doesn't look like any device from here:
The logo is from the first palms, but it's way too curvy
My mind read that as 'hearing challenged voters' and thought 'geez I wonder how loud they had the pa'
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
I'd recommend reading this article that was linked in the AP article which has more details about the sentence and following appeals:
She did stand trial - she was sentenced.
So she was 12 when she did it, but is still a danger to others 10 years later if I'm reading correctly.
Was the psychiatric hospital meant to rehabilitate her?
Everyday, big thing in schools.
Just make it a Saturday and make it quick and easy to vote?
Then people can go to work before or after voting if they need.
Two things I find especially ridiculous:
police called for missing ham and asparagus? Seems overkill. You'd think a review of video footage would show her scanning it.
straight to jail for a positive mobile drug test? In Australia your licence gets suspended for 24 hours and two samples get sent to the lab. Then they need to prove that you were impaired while driving.
Why was it seen as a misstep?
I have memories of ramps, black z cars and a hotdog mission...