in what way? I'm not sure I understand
joined 1 year ago
yeah but what if you're wrong? it's not like it would hurt to apply anyways
excellent choice :)
just because you were that person doesn't mean you are now. the advice still holds
maybe figuring out how to enjoy whatever is going on is more important than speeding through it to the next thing and the next and the next
I mean it's the only one that explains why we actually do anything at all
someone forgot they're standing on the shoulders of giants
now is that kinematic or dynamic viscosity?
and that it takes way longer to work than the movies would have you think
really the impossibility level depends on how much you care about what other people think of you
surprised being on a navy boat doesn't throw off his calibration
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read zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance and you'll realize that no one has a "rational" basis for their views. it's always ultimately based on feelings no matter how you disguise it with facts and logic