At a glance this looks like a subject matter jurisdiction objection (as distinct from personal jurisdiction), which is not waivable and can be raised at any time or sua sponte--so you can keep it in your pocket forever and raise it whenever you're desperate, which seems to be the case here.
Edit: Looked at the motion, and that's what this is. It doesn't necessarily mean the motion is meritorious, but it's timely.
Just cheat? Whatever happened to ~~class~~ cheating? In the old days if the game was too hard and you didn't have a big brother to do it for you, you just put in the godmode code or turned on a trainer or something.
Some games are just hard. That's what makes getting good at them feel rewarding. The Souls games haven't really been for me either (due to the pking--not so much the difficulty), but it's not like the game makers owe me anything.