
joined 1 year ago
[–] xhieron 15 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (4 children)

Just cheat? Whatever happened to ~~class~~ cheating? In the old days if the game was too hard and you didn't have a big brother to do it for you, you just put in the godmode code or turned on a trainer or something.

Some games are just hard. That's what makes getting good at them feel rewarding. The Souls games haven't really been for me either (due to the pking--not so much the difficulty), but it's not like the game makers owe me anything.

[–] xhieron 44 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

At a glance this looks like a subject matter jurisdiction objection (as distinct from personal jurisdiction), which is not waivable and can be raised at any time or sua sponte--so you can keep it in your pocket forever and raise it whenever you're desperate, which seems to be the case here.

Edit: Looked at the motion, and that's what this is. It doesn't necessarily mean the motion is meritorious, but it's timely.

[–] xhieron 4 points 5 months ago

Tech support!

[–] xhieron 15 points 6 months ago (7 children)

Jesus is real. I love you. Those who hate you speak for neither Him nor for me.

The Gospel of Christ is love, and woe to those who knowing it use His name to cause suffering and death.

I'm sorry that people hurt you. That's not what Jesus taught, and that's not what He lived and died for.

[–] xhieron 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

I can think of few things that would restore and bolster my faith in government more than watching the arms of the state rapidly, effectively, and effortlessly put down an active, armed rebellion against the democratically elected institutions of the nation.

Anyone who marches on the Capitol to unseat the legitimate government of the United States should be met with lethal force, preferably while on camera being broadcast live.

And that includes anyone who marches on the Capitol to unseat a legitimate Republican government.

Flowing from the rule of law is the peaceful transfer of power, and flowing from that is the presence of loyal opposition.

A government that defends the people's ability to select it with the means entrusted to it is doing exactly what it should. The bitch my state sends to the Senate is an utter slimeball whom I despise with the very core of my being. But the people of my state in their wisdom sent her to DC, so anybody who charges that building with designs on her life should immediately eat a red, white, and blue bullet. If the government fails to defend that bitch, then it has failed me, and my faith in it will have been tarnished.

That's my perception of the government in such an event. I certainly don't speak for everyone.

[–] xhieron 16 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Calm down, gang. Even Jackson agreed with the judgment, if not all of the reasoning. Corrupt Court, sure, but this one they probably got right. I hate Starbucks too, and I wish the NLRB the sharpest teeth in the world, but preliminary injunctive relief should be extraordinary.

[–] xhieron 10 points 6 months ago (2 children)

The thing that did it for me is the picture making the rounds of the truck sight lines showing the M1 as safer than an F250 in terms of blind spot. These things are really ridiculous.

[–] xhieron 30 points 6 months ago (5 children)

Control the language and you control the thought. I pitched a fit when "hallucinate" was put forward by the tech giants to describe their LLMs' falsehoods, and it mostly fell on deaf ears in my circles. Hallucinating isn't what these things do. They bullshit.

[–] xhieron -4 points 6 months ago

Yeah, my bad. I forgot how cool it is to just spout whatever bullshit you want. Hurray for ignorance.

No wonder humanity is doomed.

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