Alright, don't everybody talk at once now. Tell us how this is Joe Biden's fault.
I think we can look at the Marvel shows to see some good examples of what works and doesn't work. Star Wars, like Marvel and in some ways moreso, also has the problem of being expensive. Exotic locations, costumes, CGI--these shows cost as much as $250 million a season. You'll probably make your money back, but the production on something that feels like it "fits" in the bigger SW canon can easily carry a lot of risk.
And I think that's the real issue: for the price tag, I want Andor--a show that has something to say about the human condition and says it in a way that's beautiful--but it's very easy to just get "just more Star Wars" instead (and see also: superhero fatigue).
There's room for light sabers in good stories, but the stories have to be good themselves. I think there's an incentive to start from light sabers and then try to fit a story in, and that's working backwards. Some stories are going to want space wizards--but a lot aren't.
Hear, hear! This is fantastic. The people who can change the state of Israel are the Israeli people. I hope their voices are heard.
You're just as disingenuous with your argument as you are with your position. Anybody who wants to know what I legitimately said can read it.
Entertaining a terrible hypothetical to make a point is not the same as being okay with it--and I think you know that already. For example, I still engaged with you lot because I think there might be some benefit for someone reading this exchange to realize that these issues are complicated and nuanced, and they deserve critical thinking. That doesn't mean I'm okay with you. Fortunately, unlike with global politics, the consequences of ending this engagement are nonexistent.
маска снята, правда.
These people would prefer for Biden to lose, and I'm quite convinced that they don't really care why or how. Genocide is the buzzword of the year, but if Israel and Gaza make peace tomorrow, all of these people will all have new reasons why Democratic voters should stay home or burn their ballots.
Not a binary proposition. Support Israel and lose voters, abandon Israel and lose more and different voters. Diplomacy is hard. Politics is hard.
Part of the reason it's hard in this particular situation is bad actors pretending that geopolitics can be reduced to a soundbyte and that the problem is simple and easy.
Think you can do better? Run for president.
Yeah yeah, we get it, nothing's as good as crack. You don't have to rub it in.
Probably not, but it sure beats $0.
You're right. Forging any kind of working relationship between Israel and Iran would be extremely challenging. I guess maybe Israel and the US should try to find a path forward as allies.
Then why are you campaigning for Trump?