Don't forget about the cute girlfriends for transbians
Dedicated users will organise efforts from elsewhere which could include lemmy
How ironic considering joker is suffering from mental illness and the people who celebrate joker enable that mental illness
My parents aren't right wing and hate filled and I know that but I still don't know how they will react to me being trans and that's what worries me, will they react positively, will they react negatively or how will they react, this is what I've been slowly gauging them for
For other family members and friends I don't yet know their politics and how'd they react and I need to have a look at their social media
Theirs also a bunch of related mental health stuff that I need to figure out as well
I also don't live in the United states and I'm glad I dont
Japanese folklore sounds more fun then both of these
I would choose the estrogen if I could but I'm still gauging family and friends to see if it's safe to come out
I wish there was a trans god who could magically change the bodies of trans people including me to their chosen gender identity so it was like they where born that gender
Doesn't face hair technically include eyebrows
Didn't this originate on reddit
My local one burned down in a fire started by a child messing with a toy that had batteries if I recall correctly
Not going to mention location because I don't want to dox myself
What's the hsl part ?
Hue, Saturation, Lightness ?