Correct, I would want the caller to know what they're getting, I'll see if this works, Thank you!
Yes! It shouldn't be difficult to purchase a house, but when we were looking, none of the seller agents would even talk to us until we had a buyers agent 🙄
Any Ubuntu affiliated distro is required to use snaps, so Kubuntu will use them. Startup times are terrible, but running performance should be the same.
Another simple distro to try would be either Mint or Pop-OS. Both are still Ubuntu based, but without snaps
Mint's interface (Cinnamon) is similar to Windows, Pop-OS uses a modified GNome
I'm not sure of exactly how they manage everything, but my county library system uses Debian with an XFCE interface.
Not sure if it's because it's been this way long enough now, or it just looks close enough to Windows, but I haven't known anyone to complain (and my in-laws complain about everything else)
Self hoster of Invidious, I've just setup a docker instance with a Watchtower docker container running too for auto updates. No real maintenance needed.
NewPipe on Android
There are definitely times where things will stop working for a bit (due to Google shananagans) but the devs seem on top of it. So it doesn't take too long before it's working again.
Those Sony ones look perfect, thank you!
Do you know if the Bose are significantly better and worth waiting for a sale?
Super complete answer, thank you!
Also, that's a nice amount of interest!
This seems like the best answer, it's still not exact since interest changes daily (at least in the U.S) and interest compounds monthly.
But I changed the interest formula to:
Number of Days * Interest Rate * (Last Balance + Deposit) / 365
That seems to be more accurate.
I wanted to go this route, but for the current stage of my life, I couldn't go that granular. I currently have a spreadsheet that keeps track of totals in each bank account (short term, long term, college, retirement savings and checking) as well as total (net) income and expenditures (broken into "essential" and "non-essential").
I then setup formulas to calculate total saved, (as well as necessary only saved, in case of financial stress to see what we can cut out), total assets, and compares those assets to the previous month and year.
While I want to get more granular, that is all I can do for now.
Using gnome now, but have always enjoyed Xfce. Was going to use it for my current setup, but at the time it didn't support Wayland. It looks like it's getting close, but not quite there yet.
Maybe once Wayland is fully supported I'll give it a shot again.
Yep, I'm 36, mid Atlantic US, started driving stick when I was 18. I inherited this little Geo Metro for college, so it was learn stick or no car. (I really liked that car dispite it not having air conditioning, no tachometer, and manual everything)
Next car I bought was a manual. Now since my spouse can't drive stick we only have automatics.
Whenever we need a new car it'll be electric, which unfortunately (by design) are not manuals. So no more stick for me.
Afraid this might have been the case, if Ogeon's suggestion doesn't work out, I'll probably end up with multiple getters, one per type. There aren't that many anyway
Thank you!