I tried this with an ancient laptop and the port broke physically but yes I agree with modern laptops if you got a dock option utilize it.
Time to turn it into a server
I listen to a lot of rap and rock and when I heard Shadow of Intent for the first time I fell in love. It was so much more distinct than Rings of Saturn or Thy Art is Murder. To me what makes them special is they're artists not exclusively interested in the lyrics they put out.
It's great imo it's kind of a sequel to crisis on two earths and war world I think it's called. My personal favorite part is the idea that hubris ridden characters can accept fate as much as the main characters defy it.
I like the ability to remove or add the numb pad depending on the work or play.
This was a plot in an iron man comic.
Instructions unclear I am now lonely
Horror movie plot
Switch to signal
Absolutely it's great value paired with the dock.
Although this is half the price of the steam deck I'd recommend that because it'll last a whole lot longer and you can put whatever version of android you want on it or just stick to Linux. The streaming is top notch especially with the oled model having a more powerful wireless chip.
You guys have money?