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[–] whofearsthenight 4 points 1 year ago

He's not even really facing all that much backlash. Should we all be outraged? Obviously. As it is, I doubt this is even getting to the masses, and if it does, you just wait a week for some other moron to do something stupid...

[–] whofearsthenight 24 points 1 year ago

I mean, given all of the other laws and such that he broke blatantly while in office, fuck no lol. Emoluments, Hatch act violations, the very obvious fact that either impeachment would have succeeded if republicans even pretended for a second to be principled and supported the constitution, etc.

Just toss it on the pile.

[–] whofearsthenight 1 points 1 year ago

They seem to want to be obstinate, so while I don't agree, I'll take a stab at answering the question:

The link they posted has this bit right at the top:

You may have paid money to get copies of a free program, or you may have obtained copies at no charge. But regardless of how you got your copies, you always have the freedom to copy and change the software, even to sell copies.

The fundamental belief seems to be that however you obtained the software, paid or not, you should be free to do literally whatever you want with it.

Where I really disagree is that proprietary software (like half of the answers in this fucking thread lol) are fundamentally not scams. A "scam" implies something that one party, the patsy, is not aware of.

[–] whofearsthenight 18 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. A 20-30% jump in a grocery bill is unprecedented in my life time. I'm skeptical it's even that low for most. Pre-pandemic, I was buying eggs for 1.39, they're 2.49 now. Jarred spaghetti sauce used to be 1.99, it's 3.49 now if I catch a sale. I used to be able to regularly buy chicken breast for like 1.49-1.99, now if it's less than 3 I buy as much as I can afford and freeze it. This time of year in my area, corn would usually be on sale 4/$1. The cheapest it's gotten is $0.79.

Just repeat ad nauseam for everything. The other day I was in the store thinking to myself, "I'm not sure I can afford convenience foods like canned beans." Canned. Fucking. Beans. The luxury.

[–] whofearsthenight 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I really like YAMS. This will get you a setup based on docker that runs the *arr stack, qbittorrent, and has support for VPN out of the box. Lets you choose between Plex, emby, and jellyfin. It's also extremely easy to add sabnzbd (or whatever usenet dl client you want) by just copying a few lines in the docker compose file. It also makes updating wicked easy, just 'yams restart'.

[–] whofearsthenight 30 points 1 year ago (8 children)

Topics on the side. "Gaming, Sports, Business, Crypto..." Reddit trying really hard to pretend it's not just around for porn and memes. Also, crypto lol. Tech bro a little harder, spez.

[–] whofearsthenight 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It blows my mind that there were stone tool making hominins over 3 millions years ago, well before the first human species.

Just thinking about this point for a second is really mind-blowing especially when you think about it with the added context that up until about 200-300 years ago, human technology levels were probably closer to the stone-tool wielders than it is to modern humans in an EV listening to music through a smartphone and navigating by a global satellite system.

[–] whofearsthenight 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] whofearsthenight 17 points 1 year ago (1 children)

It's funny how every year these services get worse and worse and the prices keep going up. Netflix previously encouraging password sharing and then deciding it's not ok. Did the price drop? ofc not. Did they replace it with a better feature? No. At least getting better content? Fuck no. Repeat for literally any of them.

[–] whofearsthenight 2 points 1 year ago

I thought world War 2 and the rise of fascism in Europe was supposed to have taught us something.

They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em.

WWII might have been the end, but they've slowly been worsening education especially in places like Florida. I think at this point, capitalist social media is also a significant cause of the rise in fascism. When Zuck decides to platform holocaust deniers or twitter decides "free speech [for nazis]" it legitimizes it. It doesn't take much before this translates into real life. You surround yourself online in your little bubble with all of the other crazies (yay Facebook is bringing people together) long enough and it's nearly impossible not to translate that into the real world.

History is pretty fuckin' easy to repeat if you don't know the history.

[–] whofearsthenight 15 points 1 year ago

I mean, it's just capitalism. Beginning of the pandemic: thank god for remote work, don't worry investors we're not going out of business. End of pandemic: welp, I have to justify my position and why we're paying all this real estate get back in the office so I can micro-manage you and create useless meetings no one needs so no one realizes that I don't really do anything around here.

[–] whofearsthenight 28 points 1 year ago

that may have been a lie the whole time.

Musk's taint on the brand is I think majorly based on this type of thing. His twitter purchase has revealed that he's a serial liar, and now people are seeing all of the ways that it is happening with Tesla. People tolerate assholes all of the time. What they don't want to tolerate is snake oil salesmen, and I'm not sure there has ever been a bigger one than Musk.

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