
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm totally blind so don't know how it is for low vision, but I seriously doubt any visual accessibility stuff like contrast would flag their privacy stances. If they do, well, uh, yikes! @Sho


I’m trying @librewolf browser and it might seem like a small thing to you all, but they went out of their way to preserve accessibility features for disabled users like myself, whereas other privacy solutions remove accessibility features completely, and their efforts to make sure disabled users have a private focused but accessible browser is more welcome than you can imagine because disabled people need privacy as well. I would argue that disabled people need privacy more. I wish more #privacy advocates took accessibility and disability into account the way they have currently. I hope this remains a core mission of theirs


I'm publishing the expanded Off the Grid book while it's being edited! You can learn more about it here. The eBook is under a #CreativeCommons license and DRM free! @bookstodon #DRMFree #Books #Disability


To see books that reveal aspects of my personality, as well as #Romance books with Disabled characters, you can see both lists here @romancebooks @romancelandia @bookstodon @books

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

@GreyTechnician Reading the one star reviews and the five star reviews were enough for me


A Guy Walks into My Bar Audiobook recommendation.

Before I start, this is an M/M romance.

One of the most wonderful British male narrators I’ve ever heard. His name is Shane east. I don’t know his ethnicity, but I was immediately swept up by him reading of one of the characters. This audiobook is a duet narration. This means that multiple readers are reading the dialogue of characters. It is not an audio drama or a full cast recording but I just love the male British narrator Shane East

#Audiobooks @[email protected] @[email protected]


Sharing audiobooks with duet narration

The below post explains the difference between duet narration and other kinds of narration, as well as provides some good examples to try.



Just found @ghazi which, according to them, is A community for progressive issues, social justice and LGBT+ causes in media, gaming, entertainment and tech. If you're on Hometown, etc, like me, you can follow by clicking their name at the start of this post. #SocialJustice


Social Audio Description described this Google video about people with Disabilities working at Google! #Google #AudioDescription #Film #Disability @main


This OpenTween fork has basic #Mastodon support, and yes, with quote support on the way. This was a extremely accessible mainstream #Twitter client and now it works on Mastodon #Accessibility @main @fediversereport


So this is nice! Today I discovered that I can download M4B files from my Libro FM library instead of zipped MP3 files and now I wish this was the default. I like having structural elements in one file rather than having a folder comprised of nearly 80 tracks. It makes it easy to trance for as well! #Audiobooks #LibroFM @[email protected] @[email protected] @bookstodon


I updated this post where I list a bunch of books that will encompass my personality. The gyst is getting to know me through these books. They all reveal an aspect of my personality. I am going to add to this list in the future Books to understand me. @literature


@main BTW, the #KBin developer actually tests, and tested, with a screen reader, if you ever wanted to make an account over there and try it out. Direct post link where the developer explained one testing process


A new blind community/group is @main and it replaces the R/blind community that was on #Reddit.

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