Summer. Especially at night. I feel like summer nights are always the perfect temperature, makes up for it being too hot in the day.
I hope it was a suicide, I guess that feels wrong to say but I mainly just hope it wasn't an accident.
Tumeric is used for coloring food a ton. Presentation of food matters way more than most people think.
If you went to a halal restaurant and they served you white rice wouldn't that feel weird? I promise that the turmeric they add to the rice isn't making that significant of a flavor difference, it's mostly there for coloring.
This doesn't legalize weed, but arguably it's a step in the right direction.
I know this might sound strange but autistic people are roughly 3x more likely to be LGBT so you could consider going to an LGBT meetup. I'm neurodivergent and LGBT and that certainly matches my experience.
I am more than happy to be preachy about ending the suffering and abuse of literally billions of animals.
Listen, I appreciate someone who is at least not hostile towards vegans, but I hate this whole "I respect what vegans eat, so they should respect what I eat". Sir, you are eating an animal that was most likely tortured and abused its entire life up until the point it was murdered
What if my dietary preference was cannibalism? Then would it be okay to shit on my dietary preference?
Not eating animals isn't a dietary stance, it's an ethical stance.
I believe it! I had two types and they were god awful, but I'd be willing to give it another shot
That's funny about cream cheese, I have mostly heard complaints about vegan cream cheese. Maybe I haven't had the right brand yet but of the three types I tried I wasn't a big fan.
Updated the list! My girlfriend has celiac's disease and those usually aren't gluten free so I don't have them often
Same, I preferred plant milk to real milk for a few years before I went vegan.
I hate to get so semantical but using the word pedophile incorrectly just desensitizes the word. Pedophilia means being attracted to children, primarily meaning before or in the early stages of puberty, usually younger than 13. In fact, many pedophiles would not be attracted to someone aged 15+ because they are typically exclusively or primarily interested in prepubescent bodies.
That doesn't mean this guy isn't a total asshole, but he's not a pedophile, and I think anyone can understand an adult sexting an older teen, while still absolutely horrid, is quite different from sexting a child.
Once again, absolutely not defending this guy, I don't even know who he is... but I think it's important not to desensitize the word.