
joined 1 year ago
[–] weariedfae 2 points 18 hours ago

She's basically wearing a Gibson girl hairstyle. The pompadour is held up with a ring of something like foam or a hair rat, which is hair in a sort of netted tube sock thing. The rest is just swirled and tucked with extra hair pieces for fullness.

[–] weariedfae 2 points 20 hours ago

You should refer to her as her nickname, Rory, since they're both Lorelei.

[–] weariedfae 2 points 20 hours ago

Freya stole my girl, you hoar!

[–] weariedfae 1 points 1 day ago

I would welcome getting to turn down the volume of my sensory issues. It causes more distress than acceptance can fix.

[–] weariedfae 1 points 1 day ago

Wait wait wait wait wait hold on.

I was not raised Catholic so I don't understand.

Isn't the Pope supposed to be infallible?

I mean not for real because *gestures broadly*.

But isn't it doctrine or something that the Pope is god's word on earth and is thus infallible?

If so, that would make this apology quite strange, right?

[–] weariedfae 46 points 2 days ago (24 children)

Good luck emigrating unless you can afford those countries that let you buy residency.

Props to anyone who has successfully moved to another country because eegads that is not an easy or quick process.

[–] weariedfae 1 points 3 days ago

But girls are gross! We can't let our city streets and parks be sissies!


[–] weariedfae 5 points 5 days ago

I literally made this mistake 3 weeks ago. Worst oatmeal ever.

[–] weariedfae 3 points 6 days ago

Oh hey, it's Abby!

[–] weariedfae 23 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I have always been "non-traditional" looking. When I was young and skinny I don't think I was ugly but certainly not conventionally beautiful. Now that I'm older I am certifiably "meh".

The expectation to look pretty (for men) is still there even if I don't meet the criteria for their attention. I still feel the societal pressure, I still feel bad about my appearance when I'm not serving male gaze ideals. It doesn't just go away even when you're disqualified from personhood for being ugly.

I'm hoping becoming an old biddy will release me from requirements and I can feel free.

[–] weariedfae 10 points 1 week ago

She sounds like a twatwaffle.

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