
joined 1 year ago
[–] vynaaa 8 points 1 month ago

I guess only brainwashed liberals believe in the existence of women.

[–] vynaaa 17 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Vi is a very old piece of software. Unless I'm mistaken, it doesn't even have syntax highlighting. Vim is "vi improved" and supports all kinds of stuff, including extensions. Neovim is vim that uses Lua as an extension language, instead of vimscript. That allows for easier creation of powerful extensions.

Nano is a simpler text editor that is not as "powerful" as the vim family. Emacs is a state of mind.

In general, all of these are good tools and get the job done.

[–] vynaaa 27 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I agree that just watching a random sport or 2 random teams can be boring. It becomes interesting when you feel a connection to the team or athlete. If you go and watch live, it also becomes a community thing.

Personally, I used to train football (soccer) in my local team in a small town and everyone basically knew all the players.

Football becomes more interesting when you throw a beer can at a player, who also works at a pizzeria, and he takes a sip and throws it back.

[–] vynaaa 24 points 6 months ago

ProtonDB only lists Steam games

[–] vynaaa 6 points 6 months ago

I am pretty sure Plasma 5 didn't have it by default. There might have been a 3rd-party extension, though.

[–] vynaaa 8 points 6 months ago

And so on and so on...

[–] vynaaa 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Judging by the lack of a comma, the father's name might be Jews Christian.

[–] vynaaa 3 points 6 months ago

A relatively small city in Bulgaria. The situation might have been different in larger cities.

[–] vynaaa 20 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I am 18 and have owned 2 such phones. Where I grew up, it was kind of a luxury to own a smartphone in the early 2010s, so I've never really thought of these as some kind of ancient technology.

[–] vynaaa 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

От месеци се чудя дали има смисъл от патриотизма и какво означава България за мен. В днешния свят, много хора се фокусират върху професионалната си себереализация и някои напускат България за да се развият. Според някои по-радикални, тези хора са "предатели" (това е доста краен вариант). От рационална гледна точка, ако напуснеш България, учиш, работиш или като цяло се реализираш лично и професионално в чужбина, то решението да напуснеш може да се окаже най-доброто в живота ти.

Според мен, не е продуктивно да си набиваме в главите, че България е най-красивата държава, българската трева е най-зелена, българския въздух е най-свеж и т.н.

Както ти каза, мисля, че трябва да гледаме трезво на културата си и на това, което ни прави българи. За много хора, това че са българи, няма окаже по-голямо влияние върху живота им, отколкото това, какви личности са, образованието им и т.н.

Относно това дали ще ни има след време... Най-вероятно ще ни има под някаква форма, ако не се самоунищожим ние или човечеството като цяло.


Интересно ми е, какво означава България за вас? Гордеете ли се, че сте българи? Ако имахте възможността, бихте ли променили нещо?

[–] vynaaa 36 points 7 months ago

It's a workout for your CPU. It will make it grow big and strong.

[–] vynaaa 12 points 8 months ago

That's what I did with Far Cry 3, but couldn't get the stupid launcher to work on linux, so ended up pirating it again.Great work Ubisoft!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by vynaaa to c/opensuse

From what i have read, the winning logos are not guaranteed to be chosen, so we will have to wait for an official announcement. I think there is a meeting today, so I would keep an eye on the official wiki and news pages. On the meeting on tuesday (12.12), the competition results have been discussed but I don't know what's been said.

Notes for the meeting on 12.12

Notes for the meeting on 14.12

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