If it’s ONLY the resistors and you magically know which ones: add solder to one of the pads, hold resistor with tweezers, melt solder with iron, push resistor into molten blob and position so it touches the second pad, remove heat so it’s frozen in place, then solder second pad.
No that’s altitude! (jk)
Interesting thesis. Please bear with me while I do several months of research.
SpaceX is not that guy only. Loads of good people work there achieving epic things. Things Musk does not have the ability to make uncool include flying space skyscrapers being caught by giant robots after having flung a 100 ton space ship / firework over the Caribbean. It’s just not possible. The whole thing is mind blowing every time.
Who pays for their servers?
You’re a mallard relativist!
Oh interesting, it does feel like one of his.
Climbing up 147648 m and descending almost as much again
If we have to have gender-specific pronouns, sure. While well-intentioned, that approach will never be perfect, it’s STILL categorising people into smaller and smaller groupings in contexts where categorisation is unnecessary. We’re jumping through linguistic loops so complicated that we need cue-cards for, when we could just use gender-neutral pronouns universally.
Bespoke pronouns are also only a “solution” in English, which (mostly) has no gender-specific suffixes for nouns. In the spirit of inclusivity German has recently misguidedly settled on just repeating the noun with male and female suffixes, “I have to go to the hairdresser or hairdresseress”. Unarguably more quantitatively inclusive, this grammatical monstrosity is also more severely excluding people that fit in neither category. The answer isn’t “everyone should additionally specify their own suffixes so we can list off more variations” but rather to stop caring what gender cuts your hair altogether. Hairdresser can be a gender-neutral word. Here’s to them.
Are you saying that despite not getting you high it’s the primary cause of acute liver failure in the world, over alcoholism, because it’s such a good placebo?
Cockpit visibility reduced to 5 inches in 30s.