How many forests, lakes, stars, bees or even flowers do you see inside a city?
if you don't like what you see, RIDDIKULUS!
That gap? Oh, I was in the foreign legion. I'm not allowed to talk about it. Now where were we?
It's crazy just how fucking old cards and especially dice are.
I always thought falling from a plane would be interesting. Scary, yes, but you have a few minutes to accept the inevitable. You would also have some hope to McGyver your way out of it, by trying to slow down your fall and land in a deep body of water. People have survived it.
I would probably close my eyes the last few seconds though.
I just wish they fixed the subtitles, then I would actually use it. In most situations It's totally unreadable unless you turn on the black background, which is ugly. How hard can proper shadowing be? Everyone else does do it correctly.
Is it just me because I don't know the lingo or are these people just incomprehensible?
And if food becomes too cheap producers will stop making it, which has its own obvious problems.
What's wrong with it? Just a normal, albeit kinda flat, keyboard.
And dads.
But as long as they're quiet, or are trying to, it's fine. The problem is bad parenting.
Well, at least he slammed them. I'm sure the slammees are very slammed right now and are hoping not to receive any more slammings.
Apparently its a huge market. You can buy artificial sugar syrup from China that mimics real honey sugars and just dilute your honey with that. In the EU at least the standard honey quality test doesn't detect it so no one knows how much diluted honey there is.