joined 2 years ago
Princess Bride character.
Same wavelength, dude.
Thanks for the reference breakdown.
Sure, but the one to Humperdinck was intended.
- Picard sees the grim situation for what it is and forges ahead
- He asks Dathon if he has any last words/message to get across
- Dathon wants to send a farewell to his wife
- Picard makes a promise to see the message through
- Dathon exclaims that he is dying
- Executive Producer Gene Roddenberry
His bandmates have a real "Lust for (ketracel) White."
I'll see myself out.
Occasionally I'll use okra, depending on availability and general opinion of those who intend to eat it. Bit of an odd, slimy texture most can't get past.
I was busy. And I made one for the Lal thread.