In other words, many voters lack critical thinking skills. Yep, that tracks.
Wow, a CEO who doesn’t buy into the hype? That’s astonishing.
I, for one, cannot wait for the bubble to burst so we can get back to some sense of sanity.
Edit>> Though if Baidu is investing in AI like all the rest, then maybe they just think they’ll be immune — in which case I’m sad again that I haven’t yet come across a CEO who calls bullshit on this nonsense.
AI will have its uses, and it has practical use cases such as helping people to walk or to speak or to translate in real time, etc. But we’re decades away from what all these CEOs seem to think they’re going to cash in on now. And it’ll be fun on some level watching them all be wrong.
Odd, I seem to remember reading the exact same headline in 2020. Perhaps Americans just hate life in America because of 60 years of nonstop existential bullshit.
The downward spiral of education, the constant fight or flight news cycle, and the rise of the unfettered oligarchy have vastly contributed to the current state of America.
I’m reminded nearly every day of Carl Sagan’s “foreboding” quote from “The Demon-Haunted World”.
“Everything the light touches is our kingdom.”
Lutris + GE-Proton + umu works. If you use GE-Proton as the runner, Lutris automatically uses umu to launch the game which launches within the Steam Pressure Vessel container.
You can manage GE-Proton downloads using Protonplus. The latest version, last I checked, is GE-Proton9-15.
Haven’t used anything related to Wordpress in 15 years. Seems I’ll make that a permanent decision now.
I agree on everything except that once a person reaches the age of reason, they can no longer blame their upbringing for their mental inadequacies, barring any real mental disability. At some point people have the ability to think for themselves — they simply choose not to because humans, like electricity, follow the path of least resistance.
At that point they are responsible for their own education, bigotry, and hatred.
That’s hard to say…let’s go with “gatorcane”.
So then their god can stop the hurricane and the democrats, right? 🤣
Someone better be polishing the Darwin Awards.
I adore you. Haven’t laughed this hard in a while.
Yes. They lie and act like it’s true. It’s how they implement control. And billions of people still eat it up because of forced indoctrination from birth.