
joined 2 years ago
[–] uglyduckling81 79 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (26 children)

I don't agree with the Mac one.

The Mac UI is basically windows 3.1.

It's absolutely awful.

Also, windows will never brick your machine because of a full hard drive. My wife has a shitty MacBook air. She filled the drive completely. The OS can no longer function. It boots and that's it. You can't open anything, you can't delete anything. Every single click says free up HDD space, even deleting files.

It's so fucking bad.

[–] uglyduckling81 26 points 2 years ago

What I really don't understand is Australian restaurants adding a tip area on the bills.

Seriously, fuck off. Your already gouing us on the price. I'm never supporting or participating in a tipping system in this country ever.

[–] uglyduckling81 0 points 2 years ago

I don't see any of this. It's probably because I ran right after install.

I think it disables all the annoying parts of windows and you just get left with a stable OS.

[–] uglyduckling81 -5 points 2 years ago

Don't forget the hardcore left wing echo chamber... Oh wait that was Reddit as well.

[–] uglyduckling81 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (13 children)

For example, how do I have the best experience gaming.... Switch to Lin........ Oh ಠ_ಠ

[–] uglyduckling81 47 points 2 years ago (2 children)

It was never worth the stupid value it was pumped up to. Why do you think Elon has been dumping so much of it.

[–] uglyduckling81 -3 points 2 years ago

I work a 9 day week. It's shit. 4 day work week only works if you don't have to do a 38hr week crammed into the remaining days.

I have to do 9 hr days to get that day off. The Friday I have to work is only a 4 hr day.

I often dream about just working all 7 days just so each day is shorter. If I did 4 hrs on Saturday and Sunday I could just do 7 hr days.

I fucking hate 9 hr days. I'm completely over it by 6 hrs.

I also consider just cutting back my hours to 24hrs, but then I think about my retirement. I don't want to be super poor when I'm old so I need to work as much as possible for the next 10 years atleast before dialing back a bit until retirement.

[–] uglyduckling81 7 points 2 years ago

I can. Have a meeting in Citrix and I happily work while people yabber on in the background.

The real killer is the face to face meetings. My group supervisor now demands anyone in the office on a particular day go into his office for the team meeting. That's a real time waster.

People online can't hear us properly standing around in his office. Can't get work done while standing in there.

Just let me work from home so I don't have a bunch of people wander over to me to ask stupid questions during the day.

If you want something send me an email and I'll get to it when I have time. Walking into my space, making me take my noise cancelling headphones off so you can yabber at me and break my concentration is so annoying.

I'm untouchable at home. I work until I need a break, then quickly sort questions and queries, then get back into my groove for another hour or two.

[–] uglyduckling81 -1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Your not conforming to the left wing narrative, therefore you are alt right.

Definitely can't be in the middle with negative and positive opinions on both sides of politics.

Ive voted for both major parties and various independents over the years in Australia.

We are no where near as polarised over here. You don't have to be an extreme left freak or an alt right conservative.

Aligning yourself to only one ideology is pure insanity. If one party is doing something shit I vote them out.

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