Somewhat related... I have aliased yt-dlp with "yt-dlp -4" because my IPv4 address is behind CGNAT which they can't rate limit without disrupting legit users. When running with IPv6 I always get rate limited or even blocked
Hollywood accounting tactics probably aswell
let's cancel all history and restart afresh
Use something like Mullvad for everything so that ip adresses don't matter
He actally streamed it live on twitter periscope
I don't know why they made it that way, but you have to jump start the battery from the service port before anything can happen
The problem is that charging does not work on Telsas if the battery is completely dead, you can't even open the doors
It is fun for a while but for most people the novelty wears off quickly and a vr headset just sits mostly unused in some cabinet. Wearing this kind of thing on your head is just annoying
It happened when they shut down google labs back in 00's. Geeks got kicked out and it was all in on money
This is dead tech, they're only pushing it because it is 10 years of billions in R&D and a lot of egos involved
~~there will be federal investigation~~ just speculation if the culprit is a foreign actor