Hello from lemmy.world. This is simply referring to the lemmy backend version used by your home server. I had the same until today when the server I connect to finally got updated. In the meantime Jerboa seems to have a hard time with this older version, but I found I could use "Connect for Lemmy", which you may be able to try as well in the meantime.
Huzzah for multiple options in apps!
I came here to say this. I hadn't seen any trailers for this yet, and now I really can't wait. Gotta get in a series rewatch.
I suppose they would feel like negative engagement is still engagement. It seems like the only way to win this game is not to play.
I see we started with the hard questions.
I still can't believe we are finally getting more after all this time.
This seems kind of silly and broken. Why are the people's votes who work for the company not sufficient if they live in the correct voting district?
This is definitely the way to do it in my opinion. I always feel way better about my projects the more granular I can make them.
It's way better. For instance this picture didn't take 3 minutes to load.
Can confirm it gets easier. It definitely helps to have an app replacement so you can follow your normal reading, commenting, and posting routines. I jumped a while back and had to resist the urge to go back out of habit, but now I don't even miss it.
Is it bad I feel the above feels like some 12 step program testimonial?