My face when I looked...
But in all seriousness this looks way better than anything i could do. I love the way the armor came out.
My face when I looked...
But in all seriousness this looks way better than anything i could do. I love the way the armor came out.
Much like a rat king this should be known as a lemon king
So, given his Chief of staff history she'll last about a month.
So, "please don't implement your entire foreign policy platform?", Is the ask? Good luck.
They've clearly been chugging the Q-lade.
There is an idea or saying that elephants never forget or that they have very good memories First article in google about this.
So to say you have a memory of an elephant could mean your memory is very good.
The twist is that this can also mean you remember seeing an elephant, which is what the second line implies.
This really is the computer virus equivalent of those scammer calls where the only way for someone to avoid jail time, or something else bad, is for you to go and buy hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards and send the codes.
One Piece and filler
At this point it would be more shocking if he didn't talk about this. It's just his daily affirmation.
"I am loved; I did not lose the election..."
"These leopards won't eat my face"