He’s doing a really shitty job of just letting the new CEO handle it.
You can’t donate to Wikipedia, only to wiki media, which spends it on all kinds of shit.
What about watching a piece of fiction and then reading the fights about it on reddit?
The website you want won’t let you in with firefox. Only chrome on windows with secure boot enabled and no untrusted drivers or dev mode and https-dns to avoid your pihole.
I like that photon doesn’t use the user’s display name in place of just the user name. That’s an annoying twitter-like feature.
Apple literally only makes trash.
This video makes an analogy between a light clock and a sound clock. Showing that a clock that bounces sound back and forth for each tick will encounter time dilation under movement similar to special relativity. It proposes that light literally is a wave in the aether and scientific consensus is suppressing this truth. It insults other physics youtubers and invites the viewer to continue with them on a new revolution in science.
I love my 6a, great phone. Shitty finger print reader, though.
You love to see it. Quality dev team.
TBF people have done this too.