
joined 2 years ago
[–] tpyo 4 points 3 days ago

Thank you, I appreciate the response

[–] tpyo 6 points 3 days ago (3 children)

As a neighbor down south, I read PP as planned parenthood. I know that's not the case but I looked at ddg for Canada pp and that's what I found. I'm really not trying to be dense but I would like clarification (because I'm a certified dumbass and don't get nuance or hints at times)

Thanks and I'm trying to understand!

[–] tpyo 2 points 3 days ago

Yes, but no (not trying to be contrarian) because I felt it was definitely before last year

The Budweiser boycott started 2 years ago April 2023

But YES those are the same snowflakes

[–] tpyo 4 points 6 days ago (1 children)

I was actually thinking of these exact guys the other day. I haven't had a tank of anything in a couple years. But as I'm getting my life and place back in order I'm yearning for another aquarium

I know the basics of these guys. And I find them absolutely fascinating! And even being "zero maintenance" doesn't negate any feelings of accomplishment. I have a plant that has curly leaves that I'm over the moon about

Where'd you get your guys? Do they breed in your tank conditions?

[–] tpyo 2 points 1 week ago

That last bit is something that bothers me. My apartment used to pay water, sewer, garbage but years ago they shifted that to the tenants. We don't have individual meters so our bill is divided up between units and the number of people in the unit (supposedly... Our bills are administered by a third party. I can't even pay my bill directly to the utility companies)

I try to conserve water (or anything else, but I'm focusing on the water). I don't like waste. But fuck it, if I'm paying for OTHER PEOPLE'S water usage I sure as shit will make sure I get my money's worth. But if everyone has that mindset, our bills collectively go up. Oh well

[–] tpyo 2 points 1 week ago

Same here! I have a very soft (lulz) spot on my heart for these guys. I generally am pretty good but sometimes my depression gets the better of me

These generally are the last stragglers hanging on, making me feel guilty. But that just is an attestation to the amazingness of this plant. I'm rebuilding my plant collection again slowly and am waiting to get another one until I've repotted a couple suffering (from the nursery) plants

But they have such personality. Especially since they can live so long and reward your care with beautiful flowers

[–] tpyo 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Thanks for that!! I was wondering myself because I've adored Mutts since I could look at comics in the newspaper and it warms my heart that such a beloved character is featured in such a wholesome comic

This has brightened my morning, both your comment and the op


[–] tpyo 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (10 children)

I've seen that around. The first time was some graffiti in the bathroom at college. What is that reference?

[–] tpyo 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I would give it a shot. The worst part of snail slime tho is it reacts with water and gets more gooey and hard to wash off

The second most unpleasant thing would be if it wanted to decide if you were food or not. You can feel regular sized snails tasting your skin; I can't imagine how strong a giant snail's radula would feel


[–] tpyo 2 points 2 weeks ago

I have some time to kill before having to run some errands. I've started with the first one and it's pretty fun!

Said "fuck yeah" a couple times to myself when I got the answer right. I've not used SQL before but I've got a decent grasp (as in I get the basics) on programming languages so it's somewhat intuitive to me

Thanks for the links!! I look forward to continuing when I get back

[–] tpyo 6 points 2 weeks ago
[–] tpyo 2 points 2 weeks ago

They don't need to mirror inventory across all stores. They could rebrand some of the redundant stores to set them apart from their general craft stores

Big name chains often do similar things, splitting off more niche or focused locations

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by tpyo to c/[email protected]

I originally got this guy in Oct of last year from a plant shop and was in pretty miserable shape:

I left it in my south facing window and it lost those leaves and then shot up a whole bunch of new ones all at once (the ones in the before/after)

I was concerned that they were growing too straight as a result of it not getting enough light. I put the plant in another window that gets direct sun earlier in the day and then I started to see the very tips start to curl

My mom had given me a plant light a couple years ago that I never used so it was the perfect opportunity to set it up in a corner of my kitchen currently unused. Over the course of just a couple days I saw some real differences! These should all be taken about 12 hours apart:
11.45am 15th
1am 16th
9am 16th

Those were all taken about 5 days ago, then here's this morning, same as the top photo:
today 21st
without the blurple

Anyways, the photos aren't great because I didn't expect to see progress, especially none so quickly. So they're not staged well and I think I messed up the formatting because my app was giving me issues uploading more than the first two pics. Also my water just got shut off for emergency maintenance and I was already in the middle of an anxiety episode but I'm absolutely over the moon when I woke up to see those tight curls!

Those leaves grew so tall so quickly I was afraid the lack of bright light would have caused them to just be stretched and the info I found on the internet led me to believe that they were forever doomed to be frizzle fizzle until next growing season

Anyways, that's my plant and one of the joys in my life right now!

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