
joined 2 years ago
[–] tpyo 5 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I would give it a shot. The worst part of snail slime tho is it reacts with water and gets more gooey and hard to wash off

The second most unpleasant thing would be if it wanted to decide if you were food or not. You can feel regular sized snails tasting your skin; I can't imagine how strong a giant snail's radula would feel


[–] tpyo 2 points 1 day ago

I have some time to kill before having to run some errands. I've started with the first one and it's pretty fun!

Said "fuck yeah" a couple times to myself when I got the answer right. I've not used SQL before but I've got a decent grasp (as in I get the basics) on programming languages so it's somewhat intuitive to me

Thanks for the links!! I look forward to continuing when I get back

[–] tpyo 5 points 1 day ago
[–] tpyo 2 points 4 days ago

They don't need to mirror inventory across all stores. They could rebrand some of the redundant stores to set them apart from their general craft stores

Big name chains often do similar things, splitting off more niche or focused locations

[–] tpyo 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I've been poking around the web trying to find reputable places for stickers. I haven't ordered from this person so I can't vouch. I do love some of their designs though!

I'd like to know if you have any recommendations for sites?

[–] tpyo 2 points 5 days ago

I do appreciate that. I have nsfw filtered (for the porn) but then a lot of other good stuff is caught in the crossfire

[–] tpyo 9 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

These are channels I follow or at least like enough to look up once in a while. They're a bit random. I apologize if any are repeats, but they're worth repeating (and I didn't read every reply):

Adam Savage's tested:
Intelligence Squared:
MIT Open CourseWare:

Cirque du Soleil:

Very other:
the channel features a man who goes around and interacts with/interviews disabled children and adults. I take this one in small doses. It is not long form in the traditional sense of a well researched and thoroughly laid out topic, but I find it very wholesome/heartbreaking at the same time.

[–] tpyo 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The leaves and spirals are springy. Errr... I have snapped a couple leaves early on; there's two you can see in the pics. They have a bit of give but are very tender

The leaves themselves are reminiscent of airplants where they seem to have very fine scales or hairs along the stem that gives them a matte appearance and I have definitely noticed some disturbance where I've been a little rough or had some contaminate on my fingers

I just took the video, hopefully it works. Just me pulling on the spirals

[–] tpyo 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I've got so many that are lost to the sands of time because they generally have no lyrics. Trying to remember or find a song with a particularly snazzy 2 seconds is impossible

There was a song for the last while had been plaguing me. I'd heard it and knew the name then (years ago) but I'd long forgotten it and every lead was a dead end. Could not find it

Recently, I was watching a streamer for a game I enjoy. It was just on for background noise so I had mostly tuned it out for a few streams. Amusingly an ad playing featured the song but I'm so used to ignoring ads it didn't even register. To be fair the song in the ad was a different version than I remembered

It was a fortnite ad playing a version of this song, but this is what what my ear worm was:

joywave - destruction

[–] tpyo 1 points 1 week ago

I show this video whenever possible because it's so fucking awesome

But it's now a guidebook

[–] tpyo 4 points 1 week ago

Meanwhile I've driven all over the last couple weeks because apparently my doctor's office (that I no longer go to, for reasons) can't seem to get their asses in gear and fill out and return faxed paperwork. So I have to show up in person at the office, get the fax filled out while I'm present so they don't disappear the paperwork (for the 4th time), ensure they've faxed it back, and then contact the recipient to make sure it was received, and then for good measure drive back and hand it over in person just to be sure

And this has happened multiple times. I was pretty certain the exact purpose of the fax machine was to facilitate the long distance communication of documents. A fucking homing pigeon would have been been more efficient

[–] tpyo 2 points 1 week ago

I had a worm bin in my bathroom closet. They don't smell (if properly maintained and healthy) and it was exciting looking for things to throw in there. Once the worms are established and get going, they consume an insane amount per week

Bokashi is another way to compost but it uses fermentation. I've heard this way is able to compost meat which you want to avoid feeding worms (generally)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by tpyo to c/[email protected]

I originally got this guy in Oct of last year from a plant shop and was in pretty miserable shape:

I left it in my south facing window and it lost those leaves and then shot up a whole bunch of new ones all at once (the ones in the before/after)

I was concerned that they were growing too straight as a result of it not getting enough light. I put the plant in another window that gets direct sun earlier in the day and then I started to see the very tips start to curl

My mom had given me a plant light a couple years ago that I never used so it was the perfect opportunity to set it up in a corner of my kitchen currently unused. Over the course of just a couple days I saw some real differences! These should all be taken about 12 hours apart:
11.45am 15th
1am 16th
9am 16th

Those were all taken about 5 days ago, then here's this morning, same as the top photo:
today 21st
without the blurple

Anyways, the photos aren't great because I didn't expect to see progress, especially none so quickly. So they're not staged well and I think I messed up the formatting because my app was giving me issues uploading more than the first two pics. Also my water just got shut off for emergency maintenance and I was already in the middle of an anxiety episode but I'm absolutely over the moon when I woke up to see those tight curls!

Those leaves grew so tall so quickly I was afraid the lack of bright light would have caused them to just be stretched and the info I found on the internet led me to believe that they were forever doomed to be frizzle fizzle until next growing season

Anyways, that's my plant and one of the joys in my life right now!

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