Fucking yikes, freak.
TIL thanks!
Even the grown-up version of that sounds incredibly cool. Thanks for sharing!
The following things:
- Never post clickbait
- Never click on clickbait
- Ban "users" who post clickbait
What is your job and would one get into that field if one were so inclined. And how much of your job involves setting things on fire for science
The first example in that article is an office photocopier. I'm a middle aged nerd and I am regularly baffled by those things. Paper orientation is the least of the problems with those psychotically uninitiative beasts and their cruel and unusual menu systems.
Fuck photocopiers.
What's with the weird kitchen off the kitchen?
Though I guess it goes with the garage off the garage.
Your email address is visible in this image
You're one of those parents, eh?
I'm giving Obsidian a try and I'm liking it, but I still use freebie Notion for a lot of work things.
I do ~6-12 month contracts, and have found that publishing notion pages is a really easy way to share stuff quickly with the team and keep it live-update-able by all parties. That feature suits some fast-paced environment needs.
I never really used evernote tho. I think i first tried it years ago before they allowed dark mode, so it automatically failed.
Neato thanks
Have you somehow never interacted with technical support or customer service?
The moron I got at my isp the other day insisted that “internet” and “wifi” were the same thing.
You can in no way assume that because you said laptop, they are directing you to a web app.