The joke still lands, though!
Poor kid. When your own mom calls you sweaty, you don't have a chance.
There are no actual atheists who write, let alone visit, this website.
Master with a capital? Seriously?
There was no indication of this (continued /s).
Even Biblical writers were not that dumb. They said Joseph was all, Bullshit, but I still have the feels." So he was going to quietly break their engagement.
Then an angel appeared in his dreams and said, "It's true, bro, you can trust us."
Not saying it's a great story, but it's slightly more believable.
I know it's so very early, but it just does my heart good to see that .725 winning percentage.
...with the rock.
You should totally ask a man about their salary. Loudly and in front of many people.
Did you mean to get the most unattractive to all parties view of it?