How was OP misleading then?
Why would we have the word "assassination" if it's just murder? The word was invented to fill a linguistic need.
While the practical event is the exact same, its implications to the currently living are distinct. Saying this is an assassination communicates that this murder is unique, and should be thought of in a different context than most murders.
You made a lot of assumptions about the person you're responding to. Whose "they"? Who are the liars? When did the poster say anything about pieces of shit?
@[email protected] to answer the question, one must assume that the celebrity is taking action based on choice, until they say otherwise. It is a person's responsibility to inform people if their actions are compromised. Otherwise, one should point out traits that are toxic, disconnected from a suspicion of mental illness.
I've only ever seen her in The Journeyman Project: Burried in Time
Throwback to the Juno soundtrack
I have fond memories of the MS-DOS game
Adorable expressions, cats really are clever
A rubber room
Canned goods are non-perishable. Used needles carry contaminate. One is useful, the other isn't.
๐ตWhy is the plural of mouse mice, but we can't live in semi-detatched hice?๐ต