
joined 1 year ago
[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am currently reading Freddy Silva's fantastic book "Secrets In The Fields", and I need to make an edit to the post above to say that the 1996 Oliver Castle video is in fact a fake. Silva explains in his book that John Wayleigh (the person who supposedly originally filmed the Oliver Castle video) approached him at the Barge Inn and showed him the video WITHOUT the crop circle being made, it only showed the balls of light. So there are two versions of the video! Silva then goes on to say that he visited the formation that was shown being "made" in the fake video and the construction on the ground was a mess and he thinks it was clearly a hoaxed formation. Silva also says that an investigation into Wayleigh revealed that he worked at a video editing/animation company.

Since I'm just talking to myself in this community anyway, this raises questions for me as to why the "authorities" would first want to discredit and ridicule the phenomenon to make it seems like they're all manmade (like they did with the Operation Blackbird hoax where they left astrology game boards and crosses in the hoaxed formation, and then broadcast it out on TV), and then do an about-face and fake this Oliver Castle video to make it seem like aliens/balls of light are making them? Just trying to muddy the waters from both directions I guess.

[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

ah I see, does searching this in the community browser from your instance work?: [email protected]

[–] timeisart 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Yeah I would be more wary of what corrupt humans in a breakaway civilization would do with the reverse engineered tech than I would be of the ETs, since the elite humans have demonstrated that they want to control and dominate the rest of the human population that they see as the inferior “unwashed masses” and “useless eaters”.

Advanced technology without the advanced spirituality and compassion required to use it properly could be very dangerous.

But I’m just making shit up based off assumptions since we the public are kept in the dark. I think it’s the “not knowing” that exhausts me the most.

[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

love seeing Flower of Life designs, it seems to be the most widely recognized sacred geometry shape.

also its maybe a bit of a stretch but someone pointed out that 7 circles are encoded into this design, in honor of the 7th day of the 7th month. The creators of the circles sometimes like to make a connection to the date the formations were made, such as in the case of the 8/8/08 Milk Hill formation which is a huge figure eight (which btw also returned the next year as a "ghost" formation, one of the markers of the legitimate phenomenon imo).

beautiful design though, this one and the June 7th Potterne Hill formation are my favorites of 2023 so far.

[–] timeisart 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yup, also the wheat in several circles have been reported to be standing vertically for several inches and then bent over at 90 degrees, whereas a simple plank would flatten the wheat at the very base of the stalk.

Thanks for posting the first post here on the community that wasn't made by me! Hope to see more activity here, tbh it's kinda strange how quiet people are about this subject. I mean even if someone thinks they're all made by people, at least we can agree on the fact that they are beautiful artistic designs, right? I would like to meet the artist capable of pulling off some of these, human or not ;)

PS would be cool if you could make another "Physical evidence" post about the metallic spheres found in the soil under some crop circles that drops off in concentration the further you get from the middle of the formation, or how almost all of the ones in southern England occur over chalk aquifers, or how some formations return the next year in the form of a "ghost" formation, where the wheat/barley has grown differently due to changes in the soil made during the creation of the circle in the previous year.

[–] timeisart -1 points 1 year ago

well living in clown world doesn't help, seeing as how we're at least a hundred years behind where we should be if history didn't go the way it did. if anyone's to blame it's JP Morgan after he shut down Tesla's funding way back then.

[–] timeisart 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Let's take the discussion over to this post please and thanks.

[–] timeisart 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (8 children)

hi first of all join me in the Crop Circles community here on Lemmy, would love to have you. (And for those not from lemmy.world, paste this in the search field of your instance: [email protected] )

secondly the objects seen hovering over crop circles are often reported as being balls of light or pure energy instead of metallic spheres or something necessarily solid, although I suppose they could be solid but just are very bright. This presentation by Pierre Beake shows some great rarely seen footage of balls of light seen over crop formations (skip to 58:13)

[–] timeisart 4 points 1 year ago

oh wow tf was that lol.. didn't know I was signing up for Strange New Worlds: Dementia Simulator..! , great episode!

[–] timeisart -2 points 1 year ago

Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.

[–] timeisart -2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Sorry yall downvote away but I gotta bring up covid in this context. oh yeah sure, after decades of not giving two shits about us suddenly the government is concerned for our health and safety? No one else found that to be immediately sus as hell?

[–] timeisart 33 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Sometimes I like to imagine what a library from a highly advanced race who have transcended the base concepts of copyright and currency in general would be like. If every person in the civilization could absorb any form of media ever made as well as knowledge formerly sequestered away behind paywalls or otherwise suppressed, just imagine what heights such a society could reach.


In my opinion, this is the best documentary on the subject


one of the classics from the god of goa trance Simon Posford

"The way I feel, I don't expect to go to sleep for a year. I'm on fucking FIRE!"

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