
joined 11 months ago
[–] this_1_is_mine 2 points 3 hours ago

Start asking why manufacturing companies have drug their asses fixing the obvious issues plauging the security of our cars. Basic thingslikee having physical keys that function like a key. Not a RFID tag. Push button start is so fucking lazy for security.

[–] this_1_is_mine 4 points 4 days ago
[–] this_1_is_mine 2 points 1 week ago

Is this where you find yourself pacing back and forth all over the aisles trying to findan box that even closely resembles this inside of the store like some kind of crazed lunatic?

[–] this_1_is_mine 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm sure even with the advances we have seen that the costs have not dropped even slightly for a per hour like break down for rendering anything.

In fact this space is such a hot bed for rampent price gouging, hedgeing against the movies production, shell companys as standard opperation procedure to absorb and off set potential losses, the fine fucking print is almost illegible... Its surprising any money is "made" anywhere.

[–] this_1_is_mine 6 points 1 week ago

Just another grift.

[–] this_1_is_mine 3 points 1 week ago

Dr magnum dong. Sir magnum dong was my grandfather.

[–] this_1_is_mine 0 points 1 week ago

As if bitcoin wasnt doing enough damage on it's own...

[–] this_1_is_mine 2 points 2 weeks ago

I use Mozilla focus. all tabs are incognito tabs.

[–] this_1_is_mine 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It has to be. Or... Hear me out I'm just spit balling here.

Poopy-di scoop





Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop

Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop

Poop, poop



Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop.

Or something like that.

[–] this_1_is_mine 1 points 2 weeks ago

I've had a galaxy phone on and off since the s2. Actually mine was the epic 4g "s2" for sprint. Loved it others than the wimax it was a perfect device.. S3 was the same. Went through 6 of those over time had all the colors. Loved my panda phone s3 made outta all my spare parts. The note 4 /s5 was thee pinicale point in my opinion of the phones them selves others then the USB 3.0 version 1 rember way back when it was just a dolled up USB 2.0 port with a added bit for the 3.0 pinning. You could still use your 2.0 micro cables with them to charge or transfer files just obviously at 2.0 speeds and levels.

[–] this_1_is_mine 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

So funny story about the S9 it's only some of them are actually rootable because you can only unlock the bootloader on some of them I happen to have one currently typing this on it and let me tell you it is kind of right pain in the ass to deal with these phones and Custom os's. Android 13 on this is a mess trying to install. Forget updates that's are basically like reinstalling my current crdroid I have to do a whole bunch of jiggery Pokery in magisk creating a new patched loader beforinstalling some things can onlybefastboote installed like the is in crdroids case.

[–] this_1_is_mine 3 points 2 weeks ago

Its against the law after the first time

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