you should use the image of him attempting to drink water with both hands, but make it a covfefe mug.
get me outta the pot mom your cooking me!
Purity is the choice of a disciplined, mature, knowing mind and heart. It is not a thing the young can do. Even so, you are the inheritor of your past actions. Even if you choose purity and blamelessness, some will never forgive your past actions. Trust that the wise will see your pure heart.
As a rule, I do not give license for violence under any circumstances, as that license could be mis-interpreted or abused. I will say you cannot justify it, but it can be unavoidable. Trust your judgement.
Its a sly joke. They have a right to your work. That's why its called right to work.
I think this story is fake. Its too perfect and his response is too sensible to be a real person. too much irony here to bear.
Mandatory voting. In Australia you have to pay a fee if you don't want to vote. They seem to like it because it keeps the extremes out.
I'd recommend looking up guides to help griding up to level 150 and do a guided build. Then you can take on every boss pretty easily with 20min of practice.
Not a legit Sun Tzu quote sadly. Still fire tho.