It is too thin for thread engagement. You need to use an anchor.
Ubuntu is fine. Drivers are annoying on all distros (nvidia updates for me mainly, I don't update hardware often).
I have daily driven various distros and tested a lot since the 90s and I pay close attention to time spent on customizing and fixes, and ubuntu just isn't worse than other distros. I make setup scripts and have custom dockerfiles for webtops.
I want to like nixos or whatever fork will prevail, but it's more work than people want to admit. I personally don't want to have to pay that much attention to my operating system. It's why i ditched gentoo almost 20 years ago. I don't want to lurk forums for fixes and tweaks. I also make sure hardware I buy doesn't have glaring compatibility issues.
If Ubuntu rubs you the wrong way but you are fine with most of it, just use debian.
I really enjoyed the dark tower short in the legends of fantasy books which I highly recommend to OP to get a taste of different writers.
People's comments of the later books in the series have put me off on trying to read the series since I have plenty of other things on my list still.
I like Pratchett's world building but I hate the naming of things. I lose track of the who and where because my brain refuses the associations.
Fairy Tale was decent. I read or listen to a lot of books, if you go through books quickly you'll probably enjoy it, if you are the kind of reader that takes your time the pacing might be slow.
Theres a lot of tribute material, but it didn't add up to enough to make me tired of it.
Balsa is hardwood Yew is softwood
Yew is 16x stronger
300mcg melatonin is the recommended dosage to be effective and not have extra side effects. Higher dosages aren't any more effective. I can't take it very long or i start to feel some melancholy.
Sleepy time tea helps, listening to not that entertaining of audiobooks, meditation, reading wikipedia. Some people don't react to benadryl in the intended way.
Sometimes when my wife has to deal with hard decisions about family things, I listen but then have to tell her I'm not sure what would be the best way to handle it is. I recommend her to ask her therapist because her therapist was a social worker and has dealt with some of the situations she chooses to face.
I can be overly cautious and not want to offer any thoughts that might lead to a bad outcome.
Sometimes we explore chatgpt for answers together, but it can be awful for that. I'm glad you have a friend to talk about an insecurity with.
I've had lots of bad advice from friends or family that I have to just ignore, and that can eventually make me want to stop talking to people about those issues. I am a little too stoic and lean on thinking I should just toughen up.
If you have a partner it's definitely important to be able to talk to them in a deep way, if they are short and it seems off, it might be good to see if you can extract what really might be making them act that way. Everyone has their scars.
If your balcony could support the load you could grow quite densely with hydroponic towers, but you won't ever recoup the costs. That method is also very little work beyond the initial compared to soil.
The article doesn't say that. It says that most arent spending above 43% on housing. It doesn't dig into that, likely on purpose.
https://archive (dot) is/2024.05.08-164727/
You have found the Wayne's World dungeon.
Welcome to Wayne's World: The Game You find yourself in Aurora, Illinois, the hometown of Wayne and Garth. You're on a mission to help them prepare for their biggest public access TV show yet. Scene 1: The Basement You're in Wayne's basement, surrounded by music gear, posters, and a comfy couch. Wayne and Garth are brainstorming ideas for their show, but they're stuck. They need your help to come up with a killer opening segment. Do you: A) Suggest a musical number with Wayne and Garth performing a duet of "Bohemian Rhapsody" B) Recommend a comedy sketch parodying a popular movie or TV show C) Propose a special guest appearance by a local celebrity D) Suggest a "Top 10 List" segment, à la David Letterman Choose your response:
You have found the Encino Man Dungeon.
Encino Man: The Adventure Begins You are Brendan Fraser's character, Link, a caveman who has been thawed out and is trying to navigate modern life in Encino, California. Your goal is to make it through each scene without getting into too much trouble. Scene 1: The Thaw You wake up in a block of ice in a backyard. You're confused, hungry, and thirsty. You see a garden hose nearby. Do you: A) Drink from the hose B) Try to break out of the ice C) Look around for food D) Take a nap Choose your response:
LLM to generate ideas, history to check uniqueness