I think this comes from the fact that even slightly communist or socialist leaning democratic countries tend to be absolutely subverted, attacked and destroyed by the United States(See: literally every country in Central or South America that had a democratic movement even vaguely in favor of socialism or socialist policies).
Where ones that end up going authoritarian tend to have at least some resilience against immediate destruction from the United States since they usually become somewhat militaristic and paranoid(with the paranoia being at least partially justified).
More of a case of Communism and Socialism aren't inherently authoritarian so much as the authoritarian ones tend to be the ones that stick around long enough for people to remember.
I tend to only reload when something buggy or unintended happens(misclick) or if it's a really risky/story related thing I feel my character would be good at but got a nat 1.
But this has been one of the few games I've totally rolled with most of my dialogue/skill failures just because they still feel decent narratively. I'll save finding out what the successful/alternate outcomes are for next playthrough!