Yup, signing a deal would be bad for him and his country overall.
Yeah, and the problem is also the expectation. They don't want to say the product is done, it's the best it can do because it hurts their shares, money source.
Talent alone can't just exponentially improve something that has fundamentally peaked. They could say "oh this is the limit of this kinda model, I guess we need a different kind of architecture from the ground up" if they are lucky, or will just keep trying and failing.
It's like fitting a linear model to a parabola points, you can keep trying and improve the results a bit every time but you have a limit, you can't overcome that unless you change how your model works.
Current AI is just a statistical model, it's not intelligent. They made a model that can take data and generate similar data, they've exhausted resources training it, and it's hit the limits. Unless it can actually think, extrapolate from the data it has in a coherent way, it's not going to grow.
Extra note on this. NWS's agenda also includes educating people about weather and climate and other things. Our engineering class about rainfall and such basically is in chaos right now because the person from NWS teaching it is no longer working there. So this will have long impact for future generations. Specifically since our engineering department already is very tiny compared to other departments.
I use emacs for almost everything. It took time to get used to. And some time to configure things. But now I'm just riding off my years old config files and packages I wrote as my use case haven't changed.
I use python, rust, C, R, jupyter notebook, org mode, latex, markdown, PDFs, xml, org-roam, etc.
If god is real and benevolent. If god is real and is letting current situation in the world, then I don't think we can make assumptions on they being any good for us.
How the hell do you not have data for area? Just measure the Greenland. It's green.
The thing is, they're not required to do that yet (I think). I think it's from people who support them so much they were just waiting to act, as soon as they had a sign from above, they started doing all these things, wasting money and resources just to feel superior. Like what even is a reason to add "biological" sign if the EO already redefined the man and woman terms. It's just making a point, unnecessarily.
Just know that our enemy isn't just the people at top who says those things, the general people following them on their every word are the ones that's going to come after us.
Thank you. This seems useful. Unfortunately I'm just finishing up my PhD, so I probably won't qualify. Might have to search postdoc positions for now
Yeah, I have been hoping some countries would make lax immigration rules to capitalize on this situation. I know a lot of academics thinking of leaving, it's just a bit hard with a family compared to moving alone.
If you wanna stay here then yeah. Imagine giving up everything you've built up in this country to escape, doing that so your children can have better life, and the airplane crashes. They're making us scared to live, scared to leave. Any action besides being in compliance.