You can already do this at Gene and Jude's
joined 2 years ago
I was volunteering you to try it 🙂
I would like to know more about Aeropress oat milk
Dry beans. A $2 bag makes a massive pot.
The ability to reach every part of the screen with the thumb on the hand holding it
I want to see how big their bottle of Titebond III is.
That's a good point, I thought about that too. Not sure how sturdy that would be. I'd probably step on it and break it eventually.
Cool video. I think helmholtz resonators are wildly underused and could improve a lot of spaces like restaurants, living rooms, and offices.
After making them at the home, I can't drink margaritas when I'm out anymore.
It's three ingredients! Why is everyone messing with it? They always use some kind of mix or add flavors.
If you happen to live in a city that has one, check out this online showroom:
I tried all of the mattresses, and was surprised with what I found. The Latex ones weren't as comfortable for me as hybrid foam/coils. On a lot of beds, I could feel the lower firmer layers on my hips laying on my side. Latex felt so springy it was almost trying to roll me off the bed.
I guess my advice is to try in person however you can. I spent some time looking at naplab, but the scores range from 9.5 to 9.8 so they mattresses aren't even differentiated. In person, there were big differences that weren't captured in the scores, which try to be subjective but miss a lot.