
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 16 hours ago

But they'll never leave ~~without money~~

[–] [email protected] 12 points 17 hours ago

One of my favorite tweets goes something like "the morals of a society live in the myths they tell. Superheroes, our demigods, show up to fix the problem then go back to their day jobs"

It used to be true... But I think tastes have changed

[–] [email protected] 5 points 18 hours ago

That's the thing - AI isn't about size, it's about categorizing the state of the world. If you can understand an action in context and possible responses, a Markov chain can learn and respond appropriately with the processing of a calculator - it really doesn't take much

[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago

But it'll probably show 3 orders of meatballs, and she saw him get 3 meatballs. He just has to keep her from looking too closely

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I find it's about size. A small organization can be good or bad, depending on the members. At some point, you reach a size where the orgs focus shifts to perpetuating itself

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

Oh, it works... It turns the group against the kid. They may or may not attempt to police the behavior, but they won't do it effectively. They will resent the kid though

And isolated kids are famous for being obedient

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Which would you pick - one person who will support you when the world turns against you, or a few tens of thousands who are rabbid fans so long as you keep saying what they want to hear

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 days ago (16 children)

An explosion is pure entropy. It's high energy releasing to a low energy state in an uncontrolled manner

We climb down the energy slope very slowly to reverse entropy and create order

The universe is like us - temporary order emerges as it slides towards entropy

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

The comments in a healthy social network are the only way to get near the truth at this point. I read the comments before the article at this point

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Because you can do kinematics two ways. You can look at it by speed*mass, or by energy - in both cases it quickly gets way more complicated when you move beyond spherical cows in a vacuum, but both are equally valid. There's trade-offs to each approach, but the answer should end up the same

Just like how you can say a rod from God or an asteroid impact is x kilotons of explosives, you're looking at the energy being scattered on impact. If you set your reference frame to Earth, you only have to look at the relative speed and mass of the other object and you get a reasonable estimate. You could also factor in how much the earth moves from the impact, factor in how much the atmosphere, water, and soil "soften the blow", you could theoretically look at how the movement of other celestial bodies gently tugs at both as they impact, the resistance of the materials moving through the earth's (and sun's) magnetic field, and endless other factors

Ultimately, models are extreme simplifications, as are measurements. The universe doesn't care about units or numbers, the universe works on ratios. Numbers aren't real - they're a mental shortcut. Something exists or it doesn't, there isn't two of anyone as far as reality is concerned. Our universe cannot be compressed beyond itself without losing information

You probably don't care about how much torque your car has on Io, but reality does. 10k tons of TNT is not remotely going to be the same as a nuclear explosion, but humans will only see a mushroom cloud and destruction over a similar area

But models are useful - they predict well enough to give us a starting point.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago (3 children)

Wait, our hat has oil? Eagle screech intensifies

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 days ago

It's actually "Tesla real", learn to speak Spanish you uncultured swine


Between wanting to do more with local LLMs, wsl annoyances, and the direction tech companies have been going lately, I think it's time I start exploring a full Linux migration

I'm a software dev, I'm comfortable in the command line, and I used to write the node configuration piece of something similar to chef (flavor/version agnostic setup of cloud environments)

So for me, Linux has always been a "modify the script and rebuild fresh" kind of deal... Even my dev VMs involved a lot of scripts and snapshots. I don't enjoy configuration and I really hate debugging it, but I can muddle through when I have to

Web searches have pushed me towards Ubuntu for LLM work, but I've never been a big fan of the window Managers. I like little flourishes like animation and lots of options I can set graphically, I use multiple desktop multiple monitors

I've tried the one it comes standard with, gnome, and kde (although it's been about 5 years since I've last given them a real shot).

I'm mostly looking for the most reasonable footprint that is "good enough", something that feels polished to at least the Windows XP level - subtle animations instead of instant popups, rounded borders, maybe a bit of transparency here and there.

I'm looking at Ubuntu w/

  • kde w/ plasma (I understand it's very configurable, I don't love the look and it seems to be a bigger footprint

  • budgie (looks nice, never heard of it before today)

  • kylin (looks very Windows 10 which is nice, a bit skeptical about the Chinese focus)

  • mate (I like the look, but it seems a bit dubiously centralized)

  • unity (looks like the standard Ubuntu taken to it's natural conclusion)

  • rhino Linux (something new which makes me skeptical, but pretty and seems more like existing tools packaged together which makes me think the issues might not impact actual workflow)

  • anything the community is big on for this, personally I'd pick opensuze, but I need to maximize compatibility with bleeding edge LLM projects

My hardware and hard requirements are:

  • nvidia 1060ti
  • ryzen 5500u
  • 16g ram
  • 4 drives nearly full, because it's a computer of Theseus running the same (upgraded) vista license that came with the case like 15 years ago
  • multi desktop, multi monitor
  • can handle a lot of browser Windows/tabs
  • ideally the setup is just a package mana ger install script with all my dependencies
  • gaming support would be nice, but I'll be dual booting for VR anyways

I've been out of the game for a while, I'd love to hear what the feeling is in the community these days

(Side note, is pine as cool a company as it seems?)

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