I'm very interested RoR2 was nice, but left much to be desired, I think this type of game formula would work better in 2D.
This makes sense for anyone with a real threat model (companies, server hosts, internet drug dealers), for those who just meme and scream I'd say FF is better just for the health of the internet.
I doubt society will even make it 50 more years. Hell I'm expecting the quality of life for the west to plummet with the decade.
It all depends on the kind of porn and how smart the watcher is. Idiots who think porn is real life will definitely learn the wrong things and hurt someone.
This is the real solution. I spent some time in Worcester, England living with a couple there, it was so nice being able to walk to the grocery store and wherever else we wanted to go. I don't even think I had to wait at any crosswalks or anything. Now I'm living in a big sweaty American city where sidewalks aren't guaranteed.
Eh I don't think lane straddling is a good idea either, if everyone zippered appropriately we wouldn't need that, and if both lanes are relatively clear we wouldn't need it either. I think driving will always suck no matter what, "safe driving" is something no one can really agree on. Not to mention there is a section of drivers who believe aggressive driving is not only acceptable, but a way to protect the ego.
To clarify, by "play chicken" I mean dive into the other lane and forcing other people to slam on their breaks. Not merging when they can. My frustration is just around safety, not getting cut off or anything.
That's wild
Propaganda and lies can be one in the same?
I'm not assuming spite, it just isn't safe.
Thank you for this!
Living 100% sustainably on this planet is counterintuitive to what it means to be human. We don't need a political revolution, we need a psychological one.